The Opportunities and Challenges for the Internationalization of Chinese Language under the “Belt an

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  【Abstract】The strategy of the “Belt and Road” Initiative keeps with the trend of the time, and brings China and other countries along the routes ample opportunities of economic, political and cultural exchanges. During its implementation, the spread of Chinese is essential and indispensable. This paper will propose some feasible suggestions by analyzing and examining the opportunities and challenges for the internationalization of Chinese language. The “Belt and Road” Initiative, whose full name is “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, covers 65 countries in Asia-Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East, Africa, and South Pacific and serves as the economic corridor that stretches across several continents. Under the “Belt and Road” Initiative, the Chinese language spreads via the economic, political and cultural exchanges between China and other countries across the routes, and guarantees the smooth development and implementation of all policies that involve economy, politics and culture.
  【Key words】Belt and Road; Internationalization of Chinese Language; Opportunities and challenges
  The Status Quo of Internationalization of Chinese Language
  At present, Chinese is being learnt by more and more people worldwide, and the overseas spread of Chinese language is quite prosperous. In fact, starting in 1980s, the craze for Chinese language has been ever growing till the 21st century so much so that it seems that Chinese tends to evolve into a universal language. By 2004, there were no more than 30 million Chinese learners in the world except China. However, a decade later, this number has surged to 120 million.
  The Advantages and Opportunities for the Internationalization of Chinese Language under the “Belt and Road” Initiative:
  As the essence of the ancient Chinese culture, Confucianism has exerted profound influence not only in China, but also in North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Singapore and some other Southeast Asian countries. Moreover, as the sponsor of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, China is actively moving with the tide of globalization, and has built closer economic cooperation and trade ties with other countries. With the prosperous economic development, China stands out as the Economic Power in the world, which further impels other countries to pay much more attention to China and Chinese language as well.
  Challenges for the Internationalization of Chinese Language
【摘要】小学英语阅读教学如果依赖教材进行,势必会导致学生知识面和词汇积累的不足。针对这一问题,采用以点带面帮助学生阅读更多的主题性内容,对于学生理解能力、阅读习惯的培养具有重要意义。有效解决英语阅读面窄、缺少外延的困境。本研究中从小学英语阅读教学中存在的问题入手,讨论主题拓展阅读教学策略。  【关键词】英语阅读;主题拓展;英语教学  【作者简介】严金鹏,江苏省句容市华阳中心小学。  在小學英语课程
【摘要】英语经典名著中的语言十分地道且优美准确,通过阅读这些名著,学生可以学习到许多地道的表达方法,提升学生的阅读和写作能力,而培养他们的阅读兴趣,使学生们爱上阅读,以塑造学生健康的人格,使学生成为一个有道德的人。本文探讨了关于开展英语经典名著阅读的策略。  【关键词】初中英语;名著阅读;核心素养  【作者简介】周琴,江苏省泗阳致远中学。  一、前言  语言的学习是一个循序渐进的过程,不可能一蹴而
【摘要】主位作为句子的出发点(departure)在小句的作用毋庸置疑,然其所承载的信息量及动力较述位相差较大,这在不同的语言学流派及研究成果中已达成共识,故转换生成语法称述位为小句的中心(Head)。本文主要探讨述位的相关语法理论,主要体现在隐喻理论、概念整合理论、格语法理论及象似性理论。  【关键词】述位;映射;主位;语法;理论  【作者简介】汤棣华(1987-),女,江苏宜兴人,河北体育学院
【Abstract】1984 is a typical work of dystopian novels in which it portrays a dark and terrible world ruled by totalitarianism, deeply expressing the anti-utopian and anti-totalitarian thoughts of Georg
【摘要】英语作为一门工具学科,需要通过不断的实践来更好地掌握,因此实训教学作为培养学生技能的关键环节对于英语教学来说是十分必要和重要的。本文以沈阳体育学院运动训练专业学生英语实训教学为例,从实训教学的含义、开展实训教学的背景、实训教学具体的实施、成果、问题以及今后改进的方向等方面进行了介绍和分析。  【关键词】实训教学;实施;效果;问题;改进  【作者简介】薛莹,沈阳体育学院。  一、实训教学及开
【摘要】伴随着英语课程的开设及普及,出现了英语教师严重紧缺的现象,笔者在一所小学从事英语教学已有7年之久,4个年级7个班,20摞作业,同时担任学校心理咨询师和卫生保健室的管理工作,并参与学校各项集体活动,常会有一种抗不住的感觉,总有一种挖空心思干活的感觉。在不断的摸索与反思中,我总结了应对之策。  【关键词】英语教师;效率;因材施教  【作者简介】张洁,银川市金凤区第七回民小学。  一、努力做到因
【摘要】随着教育改革的不断深入,“以学生为中心”的教学理念深入人心,英语作为应用广泛的语言,成了学生学习的基础学科,学生在英语教学中,不仅能够掌握一门对外交流的语言,也对国外文化有了更多的了解,因此,针对如何更好的实施英语教学变得更加重要,初中是学生英语进阶的初级阶段,课堂教学的实际有效对于学生真正掌握英语学科的基础至关重要。  【关键词】以学生为中心;初中英语;课堂探究  【作者简介】曾月娥(1