随着我国加入WTO的日益临近,中国金融界对资产质量问题倍加关注,防范和化解金融风险成为我国社会经济发展的突出问题之一。 为处置金融不良资产,中国金融界着实费了一番功夫,1999年,中国终于向占银行部门70%总资产的国有商业银行的不良贷款大规模开刀,先后成立了信达、东方、长城、华融四家金融资产管理公司(AMC),专门接收并处理四大国有商业银行1996年以前形成的不良贷款。到2000年上半年,接收工作基本完成,接收金额14000亿元人民币。不良贷款包括三种情
As China’s accession to the WTO is approaching, the Chinese financial community pays close attention to the issue of asset quality. Preventing and resolving financial risks has become one of the outstanding problems in China’s social and economic development. In order to dispose of non-performing financial assets, the Chinese financial community really took a long time. In 1999, China finally made a large-scale operation in the non-performing loans of state-owned commercial banks, which account for 70% of the total assets in the banking sector. Cinda, the East, the Great Wall, Huarong four financial asset management companies (AMC), specifically to receive and deal with the four state-owned commercial banks formed before 1996 non-performing loans. By the first half of 2000, the reception work was basically completed with the amount of 1.4 trillion yuan received. NPLs include three kinds of love