目的:探讨TORCH筛查在优生优育工作中的应用价值。方法:抽取我站2013年7月15日-2017年7月15月孕妇600例,均进行TORCH血清学筛查,对其筛查结果进行分析统计。结果:风疹病毒Ig G阳性共有553例,Ig M阳性共有16例,巨细胞病毒Ig G阳性592例,Ig M阳性7例,弓形虫病毒Ig G阳性2例,Ig M阳性1例,由此可知,巨细胞病毒与风疹病毒具有较高的感染率,P<0.05。结论:加强孕妇产前TORCH筛查工作,便于及时发现孕妇感染情况,促进优生优育。
Objective: To explore the value of TORCH screening in the work of prenatal and postnatal care. Methods: A total of 600 pregnant women from July 15, 2013 to July 15, 2017 in our station were selected for TORCH serological screening and their screening results were analyzed and statistically analyzed. Results: There were 553 cases of rubella virus Ig G positive, 16 cases were IgM positive, 592 cases of cytomegalovirus Ig G positive, 7 cases IgM positive, 2 cases Toxoplasma IgM positive and 1 case IgM positive We can see that cytomegalovirus and rubella virus have a higher infection rate, P <0.05. Conclusion: To strengthen prenatal screening of TORCH pregnant women, to facilitate the timely detection of pregnant women infection and promote prenatal and postnatal care.