5月15日,舟山市消防支队普陀大队一班班长陈建军同志,在扑救舟山远洋渔业公司久远820号渔轮火灾中,主动请缨,深入船舱内部侦察火情和强攻灭火,由于舱内温度高,辐射热强,烟雾大,与火魔拼搏时间长,不幸壮烈牺牲。他用短短22年的人生历程,创造了辉煌,谱写了一曲壮丽的人生之歌。他的英勇事迹,在我省消防官兵中引起强烈反响。 省消防总队日前作出决定,号召全省消防部队广泛开展向陈建军同志学习的活动。 决定指出,全省消防官兵要以陈建军同志为榜样,学习他始终把党和人民的利益放在首位,坚定共产主义信念,牢固树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观;学习他干一行、爱一行、钻一行、精一行的敬业精神,坚持事业为重,责任为上,刻苦钻研,勤于实践,爱警习武,努力成为各项工作的行家里手;学习他艰苦奋斗、热爱集体的主人翁精神,爱队爱岗,助人为乐,无私奉献;学习他恪尽职守,不畏艰难,不怕牺牲的精神,为人民、为国家敢于打硬仗打恶仗,敢于赴汤蹈火,贡献青春。
On May 15, Comrade Chen Jianjun, a squad leader of Zhoushan Fire Brigade Putuo Brigade, volunteered for firefighting at No. 820 Juyuan far offshore fishing company of Zhoushan voluntarily. He volunteered further to investigate the internal fire fighting and storm fighting in the cabin. Due to the high temperature in the cabin and the radiation Strong heat, smoke, and fire fighting a long time, unfortunately, heroic sacrifice. He used a short period of 22 years of life, created brilliant, compose a song of magnificent life. His heroic deeds, aroused strong repercussions in the fire officers and soldiers in our province. Provincial Fire Corps recently decided to call on the province’s fire brigade to carry out a wide range of activities to learn from Comrade Chen Jianjun. The decision pointed out that all the officers and soldiers of the fire fighting in the province should follow the example of Comrade Chen Jianjun and learn from him that they always give top priority to the interests of the party and the people, firmly uphold the belief in communism and firmly establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values; learn from him and his party , Work hard and work hard, work hard, take responsibility, study hard, practice hard, love police and practice martial arts, and strive to become experts in various fields; learn from his hard work and love the collective ownership Spirit, loving team loving Gang, helping others, selfless dedication; learn his dedication, fearlessness, not afraid of sacrifice, for the people, for the country dare to fight tough battles, dare to go their own way, contribute to youth.