我们的时代,是科学的时代。科学是个无止境的领域,人们掌握科学的知识也是无穷尽的。重要的是,大胆探索,奋发进击。 时代在前进,科学在发展。据有关国际资料记载:“现在全世界每年发表的科学论文有五百多万篇,每年登记的发明创造专利三十万件。”1982年10月23日全国科学技术奖励大会上宣布有552项科技成果获奖,其中国家发明奖428项,自然科学奖124项。这些获奖项目中,年经济利益在一千万元以上者13项,一亿元以上者4项。我国的科技事业正呈现出欣欣向荣、蒸蒸日上的景象。现代科学技术的发展,真可谓突飞猛进、一
Our time is the era of science. Science is an endless field, and people have endless knowledge of science. The important thing is to boldly explore and make progress. The times are moving forward, and science is developing. According to the relevant international information, “There are now over 5 million scientific papers published each year in the world and an invention patent of 300,000 each year.” 552 items were announced at the National Science and Technology Awards Conference on October 23, 1982 Awards for scientific and technological achievements, including 428 national invention awards, 124 natural science awards. Of these award-winning projects, 13 have annual economic benefits of more than 10 million yuan and 4 have more than 100 million yuan. China’s science and technology are showing a thriving and thriving scene. The development of modern science and technology is indeed making progress by leaps and bounds