帽状腱膜下出血这是一种少见的新生儿产伤性疾病。帽状腱膜层下方是一层疏松组织,一旦出血,往往来势凶猛,出血量多,若诊断抢救及时,愈合一般良好。 例1,男性,其母第一胎孕足月,于1985年7月23日自阴道自然分娩一3750g男婴,产后7小时发现婴儿左顶部稍有肿胀,并逐渐增大呈弥散状向耳后漫延,无颅骨骨折征象。急诊化验:红细胞380万,血色素11.5g,至24小时血肿迅速增大,似一高帽戴在头上,耳后有瘀血斑。贫血貌,头周37.5cm,婴儿全身冰凉,皮肤及口腔粘膜苍白,嗜唾,反应差,心音低钝,未触及股动脉搏动,哭声微弱,呈休克状。除给予一般抗休克处理外,当即输其父母血100ml,情况稍有好转。25日行静脉切开,
Subcapital haemorrhage This is a rare neonatal birth injury. Below the hat-shaped aponeurosis layer is a layer of loose tissue, once the bleeding, often ferocious, bleeding, if the diagnosis and rescue in time, the healing is generally good. Example 1, male, the mother of the first child of pregnant full term, on July 23, 1985 from the vagina natural delivery of a 3750g baby boy, 7 hours postpartum was found in the left top of the baby slightly swollen, and gradually increased was diffuse ear After the spread, no signs of skull fracture. Emergency laboratory tests: erythrocytes 3.8 million, hemoglobin 11.5g, rapid increase to 24 hours of hematoma, it seems a high hat worn on the head, bleeding spots behind the ears. Anemia appearance, head circumference 37.5cm, the baby cold, skin and oral mucosa pale, saliva, poor response, low heart sound blunt, did not touch the femoral artery pulse, crying weak, was shock-like. In addition to the general anti-shock treatment, the immediate loss of their parents blood 100ml, the situation a little better. 25 line vein incision,