梨茎蜂(Janus piri Okamotto et Maramatsu)是梨树的重要害虫,全国各梨产区均有发生。成虫产卵为害春稍,受害重的梨园,断稍累累,严重影响树势和产量。关于食性,过去认为成虫取食花蜜和露水,对糖蜜和糖酒醋液无趋性。关于食性与口器构造的关系方面的研究,还未见有报导,我们对此进行了试验研究。
The pear insect (Janus piri Okamotto et Maramatsu) is an important pest of pears and occurs throughout the country. Adult spawning spring damage, heavy pear victims, slightly tired, seriously affecting the tree vigor and yield. On the feeding habits, in the past that adult feeding nectar and dew, sugar alcohol and vinegar liquor no tendency. There has been no report about the relationship between diet and the structure of mouthparts, and we have carried out experimental research on it.