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1958年7月中共中央副主席、全国人大常委会委员长刘少奇同志来山东视察工作,原中共山东省顾委常委朱永顺同志时任聊城地委书记,陪同刘少奇同志视察了聊城地区部分县、农业社.时过26年,朱永顺同志仔细回忆了当年刘少奇同志视察时的详情细节,并查阅了有关史料,撰写了《刘少奇视察聊城》这篇回忆录.文章再现了刘少奇同志关心群众,深入群众,忘我工作的领袖风范,展示了刘少奇同志平易近人,严于律已,艰苦朴素的共产党员良好修养,反映了50年代末省、地、县党的领导干部以人民利益为重,不怕困难,努力工作的共产党员形象.文章对广大党员干部继承和发扬党的优良传统和作风,加强思想道德修养,树立全心全意为人民服务的观念有积极的指导价值.文章流畅朴实,字句平易,读之如拉家常,读后耐人寻味,思有所获,值得一读.本刊今年第三、四两期连载此文. In July 1958, Comrade Liu Shaoqi, vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, visited Shandong for inspection. Comrade Zhu Yongshun, former member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee of CPC, was appointed secretary of Liaocheng prefectural committee and accompanied Comrade Liu Shaoqi inspected some counties and agricultural cooperatives in Liaocheng, After 26 years, Comrade Zhu Yongshun carefully recalled the details of the details of Comrade Liu Shaoqi’s inspection during that year and consulted the relevant historical materials and wrote a memoir entitled “Liu Shaoqi Inspects Liaocheng.” This article reproduces Comrade Liu Shaoqi’s care for the masses, deepening the masses, and selflessly working . It shows that Comrade Liu Shaoqi is approachable and has strict rules and a good command of the Communist Party members who are arduous and simple. This reflects the fact that the leading cadres of the Party, prefectural and county parties in the late 1950s regarded the interests of the people as their priority, they were not afraid of difficulties and worked hard for the Communist Party The article has a positive guiding value for the majority of party members and cadres to inherit and carry forward the party’s fine traditions and style, strengthen ideological and moral cultivation, and establish the concept of serving the people wholeheartedly. After thought-provoking, think of what is worth reading.This article third, four two serialized this article.
位于淮海中路(霞飞路) 1273弄的新康花园,堪称是上海最美的弄堂之一。由于它贯穿淮海路和复兴路,笔者每星期都会经过新康花园数次,每趟都很享受穿越这条优雅弄堂的过程,百看
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阆中市农机局为确保2000年丰收在望的小麦颗粒归仓和大春秧苗满栽满插 ,抓住5月上、中旬天气晴朗良机 ,全力以赴战“双抢”。局机关及三个事业单位和71个乡镇农机站共200多名干部全部下
最近,云南西双版纳植物园里特别热闹,因为园里来了两位“皇后”。咦?皇后?哪国的?怎么跑到植物园里来了呢?原来,它们就是昆虫皇后——兰花螳螂。我们快一起去看看吧。 Recen