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不速之客优秀的人物永远不会被历史的潮汐淹没,尽管历史的潮汐起伏不定。若干年前某日,和唐振常先生一起出席一个座谈会。会上的主要话题,是上海的历史。唐先生对上海的近代史了如指掌,会上,他谈起20世纪初一位上海实业家资助教育的事迹。这位实业家在发家之初,便很慷慨地向北京大学捐银五万两,资助一批年轻学子去美国留学,而且言明,不需要任何回报,只要一条,要选送培养真正的人才,学成后报效祖国。得到他的资助留学后成才的学者中,有罗家伦、康白情、段锡朋、周炳琳、汪敬熙等。这些学成归来的学者出于感激,也为了纪念,又集资设立以这位实业家的名字命名的奖学金,第一批得到奖学金的学生中,有后来获得诺贝尔奖的杨振宁。这位上海实业家的名字,叫穆藕初。这是我第一次听到穆藕初这个名字。对这样一个有品格有见地有魄力的人物,我很自然地产生了兴趣。会后,我向唐振常先生打听,能不能找到有关穆藕初的资料。我想,了解这样的人物,对了解上海的历史乃至中国的现代史,大概会很有收益。 Unprecedented guest outstanding figures will never be flooded by the tide of history, despite the tidal fluctuations in history. A certain number of years ago, and Mr. Tang Zhenchang attended a forum. The main topic of the meeting is the history of Shanghai. Mr. Tang was well acquainted with the modern history of Shanghai. At the meeting, he talked about the deeds of a Shanghai industrialist funded education in the early 20th century. At the beginning of his career, the entrepreneur generously donated 52,200 yuan to Peking University to help a group of young students to study in the United States, stating that they do not need any rewards, and that they should choose to train real talents and learn After serving the motherland. Among the scholars who got his financial aid after studying abroad were Luo Jialun, Kang Baiqing, Duan Xipeng, Zhou Binglin and Wang Jingxi. Out of gratitude, these academically returned scholars also funded the establishment of a scholarship named after the entrepreneur. Among the first scholarship recipients, there was Yang Zhenning, who later won the Nobel Prize. The name of the Shanghai industrialist, called Mu lotus early. This is the first time I heard Mu Ouchu's name. It is natural for me to have an interest in such a character and insightful character. After the meeting, I asked Mr. Tang Zhenchang for information on how to find out about Mu Ouchu. I think it is probably very profitable to know such a figure and understand the history of Shanghai and even the modern history of China.
足球 ,令世界欢乐或者疯狂在没有中国队身影的赛场上 ,除了足球 ,再没有一项运动能吸引如此众多的中国人的目光。1998年世界杯那年的夏天 ,不知有多少球迷半夜轻手蹑脚地起床 ,聚
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前房相关免疫偏离(anteriorchamberassociatedimmunedeviation,ACAID)是指将抗原置入前房后诱导出的一种免疫现象,即血清中出现特异性抗体,并诱发出细胞毒性T细胞前体细胞,但机体不发生迟发型超敏反应〔1〕。这种现... Anterior ch