Dear Editor,rnMyelin, the lipid-rich insulation that supports the integrity of axons, enables rapid conduction of nerve impulses and information flow to distant brain areas [1].Oligodendrocytes (OLs) are glial cells that myelinate axons with specialized lipid membrane extensions [2].OL progenitor cells (OPCs) arise from neural stem cells [3], and undergo proliferation before terminal differentiation and eventual myelination.Impairment at any stage of OL development can affect myelin formation.Dysfunction of OLs and CNS myelin causes devastating neurological disorders represented by multiple sclerosis [4].In addition, emerging evidence has revealed deficits in OLs and myelin in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia [5].Delineating the mechanisms that underlie OL differentiation is crucial to understand myelin formation, and is a critical prerequisite for the development of novel strategies against myelin-associated disorders.