Using Grey System Theory for Earthquake Forecast

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuyuwusheng
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By combining conventional grey correlation analysis, grey clustering method and grey forecasting methods with our multi-goal forecast thoughts and the techniques of grey time series processing, we develop six different grey earthquake forecast models in this paper. Using the record of major earthquakes in Japan from 1872 to 1995, we forecast future earthquakes in Japan. We develop an earthquake forecast model. By using the major earthquakes in Japan from 1872 to 1984, we forecast earthquakes from 1985 to 1995 and check the precision of the grey earthquake models. We find that the grey system theory can be applied to earthquake forecast. We introduce the above analysis methods and give a real example to evaluate and forecast. We also further discuss the problems of how to improve the precision of earthquake forecast and how to strengthen the forecast models in future research. By combining conventional gray correlation analysis, gray clustering method and gray forecasting methods with our multi-goal forecast thoughts and the techniques of gray time series processing, we develop six different gray earthquake forecast models in this paper. Using the record of major earthquakes in Japan from 1872 to 1995, we forecast an earthquakes in Japan. We develop an earthquake forecast model. By using the major earthquakes in Japan from 1872 to 1984, we forecast an earthquakes from 1985 to 1995 and check the precision of the gray earthquake models. We find that the gray system theory can be applied to earthquake forecast. We also the above analysis methods and give a real example to evaluate and forecast. We also further discuss the problems of how to improve the precision of earthquake forecast and how to strengthen the forecast models in future research.
位于柏林市的凯悦酒店是一家五星级酒店,22岁的女孩施耐德在这里当了一年的学徒,除了脸上流露出的稚气还让她略显青涩,她的举手投足、微笑谈吐已经是位十足的专业酒店工作人员。施耐德在完成中学毕业考试之后,没有选择直接上大学,而是申请在酒店当学徒。她每月大约有三周在酒店工作,一周在学校上课。   这所学校是柏林专门培养酒店人才的职业学校,在那里,她和其他学生一起学习食品、会计、经济、英语、数学等科目。学
本文运用语言学理论和认知心理学方面的研究,结合汉语语法、句法、语义特点探讨把汉语作为第二语言的学习者理解句子的策略。 This paper uses linguistic theory and cogni