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春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少?这首耳熟能详的经典之作是唐代诗人孟浩然隐居在鹿门山时所作,92年被评为香港“唐诗十佳”之一。诗人抓住春天的早晨刚刚醒来时的一瞬间展开联想,展现出春天早晨的美好景象,它表现出诗人对春天的喜爱,享受着春天里的一切并带给他的愉悦心情。首句破题,写春睡的香甜;也流露着对朝阳明媚的喜爱;次句即景,写悦耳的春声,也交代了醒来的原因;三句转为写回忆,末句又回到眼前,由喜春翻为惜春。全诗语言平易浅近,自然天成,言浅意浓,景真情真,深得大自然的真趣,诗人运用了听觉的角度来写出了雨后早晨的春天景色,这就更加表现出诗人对春天喜爱和对自然景色的热爱,诗人笔下描绘出了春天的活灵活现和生机勃勃。《春晓》这首诗看色比较平淡并缺少些味道,仔细品味它的内涵却韵味十足。整首诗内蕴诗人深厚的情感,自然平易,文如流水。 Spring sleep do not know dawn, smell the birds everywhere. Night rain and wind, flowers know how much? The first familiar classic is the Tang Dynasty poet Meng Haoran made in seclusion in the Lumen Mountain, 92 was named Hongkong “Tang Poetry Top Ten”. The poet captures the moment when the spring morning just wakes up and unfolds the beautiful scene of the spring morning. It shows the poet’s love of spring and the joyful enjoyment of everything in the spring. The first sentence, writing the sweet sleep of the spring; also reveal the bright sun favorite; times that King, write the melodious voice, but also explain the reasons for waking up; three sentences to write memories, the last sentence back , Xi Xi turned into Xi Chun. The whole poem language is easy and shallow, natural and shallow, thick and shallow, true and true, won the real interest in nature, the poet uses the perspective of hearing to write out the spring scenery after the rain morning, which further shows the poet Spring love and love of the natural scenery, the poet describes the spring vivid and vibrant. “Chunxiao” this poem to see the color is relatively flat and lack some flavor, carefully savor its content but full of flavor. The whole poem intrinsic poet profound emotion, naturally easy, like a flowing water.
原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进(简称甲旁亢)多数是由甲状旁腺腺瘤引起。我科收治2例,现报告如下: 病例1 男,56岁,因“全身疼痛3~+年,加重伴活动困难1~+年入院。查体:鸡胸,脊柱后弓
1 病史摘要患者 ,女性 ,2 0岁 ,未婚 ,因经血随尿液排出 6年 ,经期腹痛半年 ,于 1998年 9月 7日入院。患者 2岁时曾因发热 1周 ,腹胀 5天 ,尿不能自解而入住外院 ,当时诊断
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近年来,用酚妥拉明和阿拉明合用治疗肺炎心衰报道较多,疗效甚好,未见明显不良反应.我科用此联合治疗肺炎心衰4例均获成功,但1例出现痰堵窒息.1 临床资料 女性患儿,8mo,10kg,
清代文人李慈铭(一八二九——一八九四)的过年并无特殊之处,值得专门一谈。不过此老好写日记,从二十几岁写到晚年。晚年的九本《郇学斋日记》为其门人樊增祥隐藏了将近一世纪,近年才影印出版。这是他当京官时的日记,颇可见当时的社会情况。值此壬申新正之际,摘抄一些当时的过年情景,以为新年的一点点缀。  日记首记有李慈铭记买梅花点缀年景的情景,光绪十六年十二月十四日记:    花市贳红梅两盆,付银一两二钱,以小