随着改革开放的进程,我国人民生活水平得到很 大提高,这些发展和提高都离不开制冷界的支持。上 海首届制冷节被列入上海市科协2004年重大科普活 动的内容之一。由上海市制冷学会、上海冷冻空调行 业协会、上海市冷冻食品协会和上海冷藏库协会共同 主办“上海首届制冷节”是让制冷技术面向大众,普 及宣传和大办推广的举措,是让科学技术走进企业和 贴近广大百姓生活并能更好为其服务的大型科普活
With the process of reform and opening up, the standard of living of our people has greatly improved. All these developments and improvements can not be separated from the support of the refrigeration sector. The first Shanghai Refrigeration Festival was included in Shanghai Science Association in 2004 one of the major scientific activities. Co-sponsored by Shanghai Institute of Refrigeration, Shanghai Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association, Shanghai Frozen Food Association and Shanghai Refrigeration Association, “Shanghai First Refrigeration Festival” is a measure to make refrigeration technology available to the general public, popularizing publicity and promotion. Science and technology into the business and close to the lives of ordinary people and can better serve its large-scale science popularization