外屯乡位于闽北政和县中部,海拔300——400米,无霜期250天,年雨量1700厘米,气温≥12℃的初日在4月4日,≤423℃的终日在9月7日,年有效积温2599.7℃,持续天数156天,是个春暖迟、秋寒早,年种植水稻两季不足、一季有余的半山区地区。 1984年以来,经过三年的试验、示范、推广两季早杂优64,面积1-924亩,亩产达350——435公斤,比常规稻亩增110—169.5公斤,亩纯收入增加28.74——50.26元,科技示范户范金水种植2亩,亩产达957.5公斤。主要栽培技术:
Tuen Mun Township is located in northern Fujian Zhenghe County, 300 - 400 meters above sea level, frost-free period of 250 days, the annual rainfall of 1700 cm, temperature ≥ 12 ℃ the first day on April 4, ≤ 423 ℃ all day on September 7, Effective accumulated temperature 2599.7 ℃, the number of days 156 days, is a late spring, early autumn cold, less than two quarters of rice cultivation in one season more than half of the Mid-Levels area. Since 1984, after three years of trial, demonstration and promotion of two seasons early hybrid 64, an area of 1-924 mu, yield of 350 - 435 kilograms, 110-169.5 kilograms more than conventional rice mu, net income per mu increased 28.74 --50.26 yuan, science and technology demonstration households Jin Shuimu planted 2 acres, 957.5 kilograms per mu. The main cultivation techniques: