Dr. Qin Jianye, Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Nelson, Department of Geological Science, Cornell University and Ms. Says, a digital software company from California, were invited to Chengdu Institute of Geology by the end of June 1984 International Symposium on Geological Science in Himalayas and Sichuan Seismological Bureau for academic exchanges and lectures. They respectively introduced: (1) the teaching and scientific research of the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley; (2) the latest achievements of the crust in the Tibetan plateau using the purely Raleigh and Loefford velocities; (3) the crust of the underground nuclear test base in Nevada, Structure; ④ the progress of the work of the United States Continental Reflective Profile Federation; ⑤ on the recent development of computer software. This article excerpts from these above-mentioned lecture points.