1984年,联邦德国开始实施大陆反射波探测规划(Deutsche Kontinentale RefexionsProgramm,简称为 DEKORP),它是仿照美国的大陆反射剖面合作集团(COCORP)而确定的名称。这项规划得到联邦政府科学技术部的资助,预计到1987年完成,它将为联邦德国深钻规划的实施开辟道路。由地球物理学会和魏格纳基金会主席团提名的一个由9名教授组成的领导小组负责DEKORP 规划的制定和执行,其成员包括4名地球物理学家和3名地质学家,分别来自一些大学和公司的研究机构。
In 1984, the Federal Republic of Germany began implementing the Deutsche Kontinentale Refexions Program (DEKORP), which is modeled on the COCORP of the United States. The program, funded by the federal government’s Department of Science and Technology, is expected to be completed by 1987 and will open the way for the implementation of the Federal Republic of Germany drilling program. A leading group of nine professors, nominated by the Geophysical Society and the Wagner Foundation Bureau, is responsible for the development and implementation of the DEKORP program, which consists of four geophysicists and three geologists from several universities And the company’s research institutions.