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山东省德州市德城区人武部把学习邓小平理论与调查研究、科学决策紧紧结合起来,围绕民兵预备役工作实际,解放思想,寻找规律和对策,进一步深化民兵工作调整改革。 德城区人武部党委始终把加强人武、专武干部学习邓小平理论作为思想政治建设的一项长期任务,狠抓落实。年初,他们专题研究加强邓小平理论学习的措施,拟定了理论学习的有关规章制度和理论学习配档,要求人武、专武干部和广大民兵预备役人员学习理论要人脑入心,并联系实际调查研究。他们力求把理论学习成果体现在人武、专武干部的思想解放上,体现在广大民兵预备役人员素质的提高上,体现在促进民兵预备役工作全面建设上。通过抓学习,促落实,德城区民兵预备役全面建设取得了可喜成绩,近年来,共撰写论文17篇,并把这些理论成果来指导工作实践取得优异成绩,征兵、整组、国防教育、基层建设 Decheng District, Dezhou City, Shandong Province People’s Armed Forces to study Deng Xiaoping Theory and investigation and research, scientific decision-making closely together, around the actual militia reserve work, emancipate the mind, looking for the law and countermeasures to further deepen the adjustment and reform of the militia work. Decheng District People’s Armed Police Party Committee has always been to strengthen the armed forces and armed forces cadres to learn Deng Xiaoping Theory as a ideological and political construction of a long-term task, and pay close attention to the implementation. At the beginning of the year, they specially studied the measures for strengthening Deng Xiaoping Theory study, drafted relevant rules and regulations and theoretical study profiles for theoretical study, demanded that people’s armed forces, special forces cadres and the vast majority of militia reserve personnel study theory need people’s attention, and in connection with the actual investigation the study. They sought to embody the results of theoretical study in the ideological emancipation of the armed forces and the armed forces of the armed forces and in the improvement of the quality of reserve personnel in the vast majority of the militia, as reflected in promoting the all-round construction of reserve work in the militia. Through grasping the study and promoting the implementation, the comprehensive construction of the reserve forces in Decheng militia has made gratifying achievements. In recent years, a total of 17 papers have been written and the theoretical achievements have been used to guide the work in practice to obtain outstanding achievements, conscription, the entire group, national defense education and grassroots construction
在参加第四季《爸爸去哪儿》之前,沙溢从来没有认认真真地从平等的成人角度看待过大儿子安吉。他似乎从来没有如此深入地观察过日渐成长的儿子,直到在《爸爸去哪儿》中,让他惊喜的东西有很多,父子间的距离也逐渐拉近。  从实力吐槽老爸到依赖感十足,拉近父子之间的距离  最开始时,安吉对爸爸总有一种“你怎么这么怂,我嫌弃你”的小眼神。沙溢剥了个鸡蛋递给安吉,安吉眉头一皱,翻了个小白眼,“沙溢,你剥的鸡蛋还没我好
如何使城市民兵应急分队既适应改革开放的“市场”,又适应未来反侵略战争“战场”的需要;既能与“市场”“合拍”,又能与“战场”“同步”?这是应该研究和探讨的课题。 一、
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国有大中型企业在实行股份制的情况下,如何加强民兵建设?最近笔者就此问题作了调查,取得了一些新的认识。 我在调查中发现,股份制企业的行政机构设置普遍较为精干,如果再依