Mastering the Art of the New York Eat—and—Walk 纽约范儿之边走边吃

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  It started with a hot dog and a pair of rollerb lades. At thirteen years old my version of being a reckless ado lescent invo lved skidding down Broad way on a Saturday afternoon with my best friend, dodging pedestrians while munching on a Gray's Papaya hot dog.
  The ro llerb lades have long since been abandoned-as has my taste for Gray's Papaya. a bng with other my stery meats-but what rem ains is my bve of eating and waking at the same time.
  thave alW ays felt that waking while eating is one of the highest forms of respect you can pay to a food and to a city, and to my city in particular. Tuck into that tulo of chicken wings with hot sauce, bite in to that im possib ly juicy burger. devour that fully-baded pizza as you wak down the street like it's your last meal-nobody cares. Some callthis bad manne rs. I calI this freedom .
  When I was nine years oldr my mother towed me around Paris for two weeks on a budget that left room for Rodin sculoture viewing. a fair am ount of onion soup eating and not much else. Both my mother and l wanted come lunchtime was a sandw ich to go. The French were not very olo liging. Lunch was to be eaten at a tabla over the course of an hour or so with fixed attention and proper cutlery. A decade later I retumed as a college student for a year, mostly though. l stom ped around the great cities of Europe, specia lizing in getting bst. would start in the moming and wak all day, stum bling across a fam ous church here, an in press ive monum ent there and untang ling how one neighbo rhood flowed into the next. But getting food to go was a chalbnge. curryw urst in V ienna. ge lato in Flo rence, kebabs in London-the options were lim ited and I was only vaguely aw are of how gaucheit was to wak down the street while snacking on oily chunks of meat. If you had to eat outside you were to sit yourse lf down on the steps of some great cathedra land nosh aw ay.
  The Gallic reverence for food is a bit shattering to the effic iency-minded. Put simply: “Food is good. Eatng is not a matter of ingesting calories.” Despite modem inflUences on culinary traditions. there rem a ins a sense of celebration at French meals. “we don't like to eat and run,” says Gayot. “work is one thing. and eatng is another. It is a mom ent of refbction and socia rizing, and a mom ent of pleasure. like reading a good book or listening to music you like. Even with a busy life, people want to keep this trad dtion.”
  Gastronom icaI reverence aside, anim a listic habits are making some inroads in Paris. On my most recent vis it earlier this year,   I discovered that Parisians had discovered the bagel. l did not attem pt to try one, mostly out of deference to the French.
  For most New Yorkers. eat- waking is an irresistib le trifecta of effic iency: nourishm ent, exercise and transportation. But for me, it has an opposite appea l. I beg in to notice thngs when lsbw my gart so as not to choke on a steam ing samosa. Sheathed in the act of eating, the city both washes over me and flows through me. With the privilege of distance, scents become sharper. overheard conversations som ehow become more profound, people's outfits more interestng, the shiny new glass mono lith more elegant and the stew of pedestrians more harm onious. As is the New York way, no one notices the trailof peas and potatoes in my wake. The streets of New York have alW ays been bastions of eccentric indulgences. l weave through a thin crowd wearing a curried sm ile. l am home.
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