2000年10月24日首次在中国提出“10万元紧凑型家庭轿车”概念。 2000年12月12日第一辆赛欧紧凑型家庭轿车下线,以高配置树立了“紧凑型家庭轿车”配置新标准。 2001年6月8日赛欧紧凑型三厢家庭轿车正式上市,性价比居紧凑型轿车产品之首。 2001年11月20日全新赛欧SRV休闲轿车正式上市,首次将国际流行的休闲轿车概念引入国内。 2002年1月29日赛欧标准型家庭轿车面世,并进入10万元以内价格空间,成为国内同类产品中最具性价比竞争力的产品。 2002年6月4日赛欧成为国内第一款上市1周年销量即超过5万辆,并且连续15个月持续畅销的家庭轿车;同时,赛欧全面升级,并首创国内同级紧凑型家庭轿车原厂配置天窗的记录。
October 24, 2000 for the first time in China proposed “100,000 yuan compact family car ” concept. On December 12, 2000, the first compact family car of Sail was off the assembly line, setting a new standard for the “compact family car” configuration with a high profile. June 8, 2001 Sail compact sedan family car was officially listed, the price of the first compact compact car products. November 20, 2001 the new Sail SRV sedan officially listed the first time the concept of internationally popular leisure sedans introduced into the country. January 29, 2002 Sail European standard family car available, and into the price space within 100,000 yuan, becoming the most similar products in the most cost-competitive products. June 4, 2002 Sail became the first domestic sales of the first anniversary that is more than 50,000, and 15 consecutive months of sustained success of the family sedan; the same time, the full upgrade of Sail and the first domestic compact compact family car factory Configure the skylight record.