长期以来,人类对自身生育的奥秘进行了艰辛的探索。早在两千多年前,希腊“医学之父”——希波克拉底指出:“来自母亲左侧卵巢的卵受精后发育成女婴,右侧卵巢的卵受精后发育成男婴。”古罗马名医盖仑也有一种与希波克拉底异曲同工的观点:左侧睾九的精子授精得女胎,右侧睾丸的精子授精则成男胎。这种观点直至18世纪还有人深信不疑,甚至有些人为了生儿子,不惜割去自己左侧的睾丸! 到了19世纪后叶和20世纪上叶,随着现代人类遗传学的崛起,生男生女的基本奥秘才开始为人们所洞悉。男性精子含有X或Y两种性染色体,而女性的卵子
For a long time, human beings have made arduous exploration on the mysteries of their own fertility. As early as two thousand years ago, Greece’s “Father of Medicine” - Hippocrates pointed out: “The baby from the mother’s ovary after fertilization develops into a baby girl, and the ovary from the right develops into a male Baby. ”The ancient Roman physician Galen also had a similar view with Hippocrates: the sperm of the left testis fertilized female fetus, the right testicle fertilized sperm. This view until the eighteenth century, there are people who believe, even some people in order to give birth to a son, not hesitate to cut off the left side of his testicles! By the late 19th century and the 20th century, with the rise of modern human genetics, The basic mystery of women began to gain insight into people. Male sperm contain X or Y two sex chromosomes, while female eggs