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作文教学的对象有二:在客观世界,是事事物物,在主观世界,是人人心心。作文教师的使命,是让人心拥抱事物,进而表现事物,反映人心——事物的形态与动态,人心的节律与旋律,个人的心思乃至人类的精神。作文教师往往以学生的优秀习作,证明自己教学的成功。这其中多少有些误会。试问,一篇好文章的娩出,指导者以居功几分为宜呢?只消想想,作文能力综合性极强的事实,习作者固有的悟性,生活积淀,言语功夫,岂是谁能点铁成金,着手成春的么? 面对天生厌恶作文的学生,而能让他对作文发生点兴趣,萌生“我欲写”的念头,借以养成自动写作的习惯,这些,才算得上作文教师的一点骄傲。 There are two objects in composition teaching: in the objective world, things are things, and in the subjective world, it is everyone’s heart. The composition teacher’s mission is to let people embrace things, and then express things, reflect the people’s mind - the form and dynamics of things, the rhythms and melody of the human heart, the individual’s mind and even the human spirit. Composition teachers often use students’ excellent work to prove the success of their teaching. This is somewhat misunderstood. I would like to ask: If a good article is written out, how many points can the instructor use to subdue it? Just think about it, the fact that the composing ability is very comprehensive, the comprehension of the authors, the accumulation of life, the verbal skills, and who can point iron? Into the beginning of spring, is it a good time to become a student who is naturally disgusted with essay writing and is able to make him interested in the composition and to create the “I want to write” idea to develop the habit of automatic writing. The composition teacher is a little proud.
同在一个对空中,人们捕捉信息的数量、质量会有很大悬殊。这往往不是因为感官生理机制的差异,而是因为“机遇只偏爱那有准备的头脑”(法国微生物学家巴斯德语,引自贝费 In
这里发表一篇有争议的现场命题作文。特向广大读者征集评语(千字以内),欢迎来稿(稿件不退)。 Here is a controversial on-site proposition composition. Special readers
上课铃响了,徐振维老师走上讲台。 “同学们,大家好!”她推了一下眼镜。“今天和大家一起学习吴晗同志的议论文《谈骨气》。” 原以为徐老师会有一段精彩的开场白,先声夺人,
今年第三期,本刊发表一组介绍百字作文写法的文章。这里,介绍一组中学生写的百字作文。欢迎读者继续推荐。 In the third issue of this year, this publication has publis