Impacts of mixed litter decomposition from Robinia pseudoacacia and other tree species on C loss and

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong565
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The productivity of Robinia pseudoacacia(R.p.) pure forest usually declines at the late growth stage,and reforming it into mixed forests could be a promising way to resolve this problem. When choosing a suitable tree species that can be mixed with R.p., the interspecific relationship is an important issue. Therefore, we gathered the autumn litter fall from R.p. and 10 other species from the Loess Plateau of China were mixed in dual species litterbags(R.p.+each other species) and buried them in soil for a 345 days lab decay incubation. We measured the litter mass loss and nutrient contents to determine whether the nutrient release was affected by mixed species litter decomposition. The impacts of mixed litter decomposition on macro-elements release were more obvious than on micro-elements. The litters with similar substrate quality might show variable impacts on nutrients release in mixed decomposition. The C loss and release of nutrient was improved by descending order when R.p. litter was mixed with Hippophae rhamnoides, Ulmus pumila, Populus simonii, Larix principis-rupprechtii and Quercus liaotungensis(Q.l.). But, except for Q.l., only the other species were recommended as suitable mix-plants for R.p. since promoting a high turnover of the nutrient in the litter compartment and a rapid availability for tree. The productivity of Robinia pseudoacacia (Rp) pure forest usually declines at the late growth stage, and reforming it into mixed forests could be a promising way to resolve this problem. When choosing a suitable tree species that can be mixed with Rp, the interspecific relationship Therefore, we gathered the autumn litter fall from Rp and 10 other species from the Loess Plateau of China were mixed in dual species litterbags (Rp + each other species) and buried them in soil for a 345 days lab decay incubation . The measured of lit litter mass loss and nutrient contents to determine whether the nutrient release was affected by mixed species litter decomposition. The impacts of mixed litter decomposition on macro-elements release were more obvious than on micro-elements. The show loss impacts on nutrient release in mixed decomposition. The C loss and release of nutrient was improved by descending order when Rp litter was mixed with Hippophae rhamnoides, Ulmus pumila, Populus simonii, Larix principis-rupprechtii and Quercus liaotungensis (Ql). But, except for Ql, only the other species were recommended as suitable mix-plants for Rp since promoting a high turnover of the nutrient in the litter compartment and a rapid availability for tree.
北方的春天,万物复苏却也伴随着干燥,有时刮风有时雾霾。多喝水成了一项任务。那天在同事推荐下,一杯甘蔗汁让我在这个春天,咀菇甘甜,抵消了几许春燥。  记得小时候,甘蔗是我最喜欢的零食之一,入了深秋大街小巷都会有人叫卖,但那时只能自己啃了皮,咬出那沁人心脾的甜汁,经常会因为贪吃咬的块太大,汁液随着咀嚼会顺着嘴角流出来,一片狼藉却笑弯了眼睛,现在回想起来,依然齿颊生津。  可能是因为吃甘蔗时的样子实在不
自从做了全职太太,莫小芳就开始享受每天睡到自然醒的幸福。早上,李鹏浩去上班后,莫小芳才懒洋洋地从床上起来,打着哈欠,伸着懒腰,慢步走到厨房,把李鹏浩留给她的早餐热一热吃了。  晚上,李鹏浩下班回来,莫小芳往往正在电视机前或哭或笑。看到李鹏浩时,她就学韩剧里的女主角嗲嗲地说:“老公,你回来啦。”而后,或者继续看片子,或者撒娇地加上一句:“老公,我好饿呀,想吃你煮的茄汁面呢。”每当这时,李鹏浩只好拖着
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