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为积累短须裂腹鱼的基础生物学资料,并对规模化人工繁殖提供理论指导,利用养殖条件下的短须裂腹鱼亲鱼,通过干法授精获得受精卵,对其胚胎发育和仔鱼早期发育全过程进行连续观察。短须裂腹鱼受精卵的平均卵径为2.36 mm,吸水膨胀后为3.68 mm,沉性卵、弱粘性、卵黄丰富。在水温(14±1)℃的条件下,受精后6 h 30 min进入卵裂期,20 h 55 min进入囊胚期,60 h 28 min进入原肠期,70 h 4 min进入原肠中期,77 h 52 min进入神经胚期,142 h肌肉开始收缩,177 h 46 min进入心动期,254 h 40 min开始出膜。孵化全过程所需积温为3 565.3℃·h。初孵仔鱼全长8.7 mm。出膜后第2~9天,胸鳍、鳃、口腔、眼色素、体内血管等器官相继发育完全;第10天仔鱼全长达15.15mm,鳔充气,鱼苗开始平游和觅食。孵化过程中应重点防控水霉病。早期仔鱼可以投喂轮虫、蛋黄或者豆浆等,待仔鱼捕食能力变强之后,可以投喂更加适口的枝角类、嫩口丰年虫等。 In order to accumulate the basic biological data of Sphingidae, and to provide theoretical guidance for the large-scale artificial propagation, the fertilized eggs were obtained by dry insemination using the short-bellied broodstock under brood conditions, and their embryonic development and early larval stage The whole development process of continuous observation. The average egg size of Schizochytrium fischeri fertilized eggs was 2.36 mm, and 3.68 mm after water absorption expansion. The eggs were submerged, weakly viscous and rich in egg yolk. In the water temperature (14 ± 1) ℃ conditions, 6 h 30 min after fertilization into the cleavage stage, 20 h 55 min into the blastocyst stage, 60 h 28 min into the gastrula stage, 70 h 4 min into the intestine of the intestine, At 77 h 52 min, the muscle began to contract at 142 h, reached the bradykinesia at 177 h 46 min, and started to membrane at 254 h 40 min. Incubation temperature required for the entire process is 3 565.3 ℃ · h. The newly hatched larvae are 8.7 mm long. From the 2nd to the 9th day after operation, the pectoral fins, gills, oral cavity, uveal pigment and internal blood vessels and other organs developed one after another. On the 10th day, the larvae reached 15.15mm in length and inflated. The fry started to swim and feed. In the incubation process should focus on prevention and control of fungal disease. Early larvae can be fed rotifers, egg yolks or soy milk, etc., to be larvae predation ability becomes stronger, you can feed more suitable for the class of clams, tender mouth Artemia and so on.
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