高层会诊中部 把脉贫困地区

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经过建省多年的实践探索,海南省委、省政府对海南发展的思路更加清晰、稳定;基础设施日臻完善,已具备大规模开发建设的条件;全省人民对加快发展的渴望更加强烈, 形成了加快发展的强大合力。特别是近年来实施的一批大项目逐步建成投产,支撑海南长远发展的一批支柱产业正在逐步形成。在海南进入新的稳定健康较快发展的新时期, 省委、省政府充分认识到, 没有中部及贫困地区的发展,就没有全省的协调发展,没有中部及贫困地区的小康,就没有全省人民的小康。科学谋划发展,构建和谐海南。在省委、省政府更加重视海南中部地区、少数民族地区和贫困地区发展的背景下,“十一五”将是中部地区和贫困地区加快发展、改变面貌的一个关键时期。在本期的“主题策划”里,让我们一起来关注海南中部及贫困地区的发展。 After years of practice and exploration in the province, Hainan provincial Party committee and government have become clearer and more stable in their thinking on Hainan’s development. The infrastructure is getting better day by day and the conditions for large-scale development and construction have been met. The desire of the people of the province for accelerating development is even stronger. To speed up the development of a powerful force. In particular, a number of major projects implemented in recent years have been gradually put into operation and a number of pillar industries that support the long-term development of Hainan are gradually taking shape. When Hainan entered a new period of steady, steady and rapid development, the provincial party committee and government fully realized that without the development of the central and poor areas, there will be no coordinated development in the whole province and there will be no comprehensive well-off in the central and poor areas Provincial people’s well-off. Scientific planning and development, building a harmonious Hainan. Under the background that the provincial party committee and government attach more importance to the development in the central region of Hainan, ethnic minority areas and poor areas, the “Eleventh Five-year Plan” will be a crucial period for accelerating development and changing the outlook in the central region and the impoverished areas. In this issue of “Thematic Planning,” let us work together to focus on the development of central Hainan and poor areas.
根据油田动静态资料 ,建立数值模型进行数值模拟 ,研究卫 1 1块剩余油分布 ,得到单井、全区的日产油、含水的拟合曲线 ,根据剩余油饱和度分布网格图 ,在小层有效厚度等值图上
2017 JAN My music游妍丽de音乐欣赏课新年好!从2017年开始,专门为热爱音乐欣赏的各位大、小朋友们开办的一个新栏目——“孩子们的古典音乐盒”正式推出了!在这个栏目中,我
例1 患者男22岁农民在菜地劳动时,碎片溅入右眼,视物不清1小时。右眼视力手动、光定位正常,左眼1.5。右眼球结膜中度混合性充血。角膜中央纵形全层裂开至角膜缘,长6mm。虹膜