一、探求修建长江三峡工程的可行性,探求开发长江、中华腾飞之路 四川东部有一条浩浩荡荡的嘉陵江,它在合川这个地方汇合了西边的涪江和东边的渠江,然后南行到重庆,汇入奔腾的长江。 世纪伟人邓小平1904年8月22日出生于渠江岸边的广安县。 孔子说:“吾十有五而志于学。”邓小平15岁那年离开广安乘船沿渠江、嘉陵江南下到达重庆,考入了在重庆开办的留法勤工俭学预备学校。第二年,他顺江东下,漂洋过海,开始了逐西潮、救国家的革命历程。
First, to explore the feasibility of building the Three Gorges Project to explore the development of the Yangtze River, takeoff of China Road east of Sichuan has a mighty Jialing River, which in this part of Hechuan confluence of the Fujiang River in the west and the East River Drainage, and then south to Chongqing, into the Pentium Yangtze River. The great man of the century Deng Xiaoping was born on August 22, 1904 in Guang’an County on the bank of Qujiang River. Confucius said: “When I was fifteen, I wanted to learn.” At the age of 15, Deng Xiaoping left Guang’an to take a boat along the Qujiang River and reached the south of Jialing River to enter Chongqing. He was admitted to a preparatory school for study-work-study in Chongqing. The following year, he went down to the east and drifted across the sea to start the journey of going westward to save the country’s revolutionary course.