【摘 要】
On the evening of the same day, two children, one after another, took a mercury thermometer and went to the emergency department. That less than half an hour after they learned to swallow mercury, nurses quickly brought a pot of warm water, tell their parents parents vomiting method. A child was a 4-year-old girl, drank two bowls, her dad pressed the tongue with her tongue and she spit out her supper and drink water. “Continue to drink, drink more, be sure to spit out all the water so far.” “Nurse asked Road. After the first spit, then not so smooth. Children bulging belly, a nose and a tear: ”I really can not drink, and I obediently at home afterwards, do not drink?" Children with red eyes, seeking nurses again and again Anesthetic gastric lavage. The sober disease
Due to strong photoluminescence,extraordinary photostability,excellent biocompatibility,and good water-solubility,metal nanoclusters have attracted enormous att
In chemical processes, fault diagnosis is relatively difficult due to the incomplete prior-knowledge and unpredictable production changes. To solve the problem,
以Cs_2CO_3(1.2倍摩尔量)为碱,t-BuOOt-Bu或t-BuON=NOt-Bu(0.2倍摩尔量)为自由基源,在2-丙醇(80倍摩尔量)中于120℃或50℃下反应3或24 h,卤代(包括氯、溴、碘)芳烃被还原成芳
患者 女,25岁,闭经4年,结婚1年.患者14岁初潮,月经正常.18岁起月经稀发,周期3~4月,经量少,21岁起闭经,伴潮热,烦躁易怒,需用人工周期(雌激素+孕激素)方来月经.查体:身高156 cm,体重55 kg,表型、智力正常,体健.双乳发育尚可,乳头小,无泌乳.外阴无阴毛,发育尚可;阴道充血,粘膜皱襞少,分泌较少;宫颈小,光滑;宫体前倾,小于正常;双侧附件未扪及.阴道B超检查提示:子宫呈鞍形
Objective: This study aims to identify recent population- based trends in maternal overweight and obesity and adverse outcomes. Study design: Statewide retrospe