在全省消防部队“学天津消防”活动开展后,慈利中队全体官 兵对为什么要学习天津消防,怎么学天津消防等一系列问题有了更高的、深层次的认识,对如何深入开展“学天津消防”活动的思路越来越清晰,并很快在活动中找到了自己的差距,明确了学习目标,摆正了自己的位置,走出了固步自封、自我满足的思维定式。 三月份以来,中队首先从提高官兵的思想认识入手,先后召开骨干会3次,军人大会2次,层层动员,并在大队统一组织下,举行了一次规模较大、形式热烈的誓师大会,人人都向中队交上了决心书,在全中队范围内叫响了“学天津,建铁军,不夺红旗不收兵”的战斗口号;其次,在组织建设制度方面
After the province’s fire brigade’s “study of Tianjin firefighting activities” was carried out, all officers and soldiers of Cili squadron had a higher and deeper understanding of why they should study Tianjin firefighting and how to learn Tianjin fire control. They also discussed how to carry out “ Learn Tianjin Fire ”activities more and more clear ideas, and soon found its own activities in the gaps, a clear learning objectives, put their own position, out of the self-esteem, self-satisfaction of the mindset. Since March, the Squadron first started with raising the awareness of officers and soldiers, held three key meetings and two military service meetings and mobilized them at various levels. Under the unified organization of the brigade, the Squadron held a large and enthusiastic swearing-in ceremony, Everyone in the squadron handed over the book of determination, calling for the battle slogan of “learning from Tianjin, building the iron army and not taking up the red flag and not receiving troops” within the scope of the squadron. Secondly, in the organizational construction system