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  Abstract: That’s true according to communication experts ,some students show that up to 90 percent of communication is nonverbal .Though you might you say one thing ,your body movements may indicate something entirely different .This nonverbal way of communicating is called body language .The use of body language can not attract the students’attention ,but also deepen their impression and imagination .However, with the limition of students’ vocabulary specially in middle schools ,teachers have to simplify their teaching language with the help of facial expressions and body movements.To teachers ,body language in middle schools is very useful .In this article , the possibility and the effect of using body language in , speaking , reading , and writing will be further discussed.
  Keyword: body language; speaking; writing
  Chapter One The Concret Application of the Body Language in Speaking and Reading
  Fifst the effect of body language in speaking with others , so teachers should try to develop the students’ ability of speaking from middle school . That is the important strat to train students’ oral language to train . Factually they are helped to reach the aim in a certain degree by their teachers’ body language .
  The contemporary emphasis is gradually laid on spoken English teaching. The first lesson os every unit in Senior English begins with dialogues . The teaching programs require the teachers to organize the class to practice the dialogues with English according to the characteristics of dialogue. Generally speaking , the body language can arouse and sustain the students’ interest of learning and using English . In the English class , the teachers should not only use body languages themselves , but also ask the students to use them according to the different situation . This can practice students’ courage and find their confident to use English . Gradually students have courage to speak English . In other words , body language helps to improve students’ spoken English . Take it for example , the first lesson in Unit one , Book one is about the time when the new students first meet , and they don’t know each other .
  So a teacher can introduce himself first , such as :”Hello , everyone , nice to meet you here . Now I’ll introduce myself to you . My name is Daisy . I like playing basketball.....”During the introduce , the teacher should use the new words and sentense strucures together with a vivid expression and cooperating gestures as possibly as he can . He smiles when he says hello to the class , he shakes hands with some students saying “Nice to meet you ,”he writes name down on the blackboard , he imitates the action of dribbling and shooting at the basketball ..   After his introduce , the teacher can creat a circumstance for the students to practice : “Mary and Xiaohong are new classmates .They are walking together in the street , and they meet one of Xiaohong’s old friends , John . Then John and Mary are introduced to each other by Xiaohong .” After the students’ practice the diologue is introduced naturally from it . Usually, the application of body language in fifferent situations will result in an attracting and successful lesson . By this way , it practice students’ speaking .
  Body language helps to improve reading .The purpose of Junior English teaching is to train the students’ preliminary ability of using spoken and written English . In the Junior school , the teacher should emphasis one the reading ability that serves the students’further study and their courage . Here the teacher mainly mention the helpfulness for reading aloud .Reading aloud helps the students to get a correct pronunciation . find their mistakes and intonation and to develop the combination of vocabularies’ pronunciation ,spelling and meaning . Furthermore it also helps the sudents to find out the article’s internal feelings and appreciate the beauty of the language .The students will have such an impression : Reading aloud is basic in the middle school , and the teachers should make full use of body language to develope and motivate the studentss’ ability of reading aloud .
  When reading the sentences ,students attention should be paid to where to speak softly ,emphasize ,and raise or lower their tone . To make poem clear,the teacher can imitate the strong or soft timing which that are used in music teaching , which means to use the curves to express different tones . Generally speaking , we use falling tones in declarative and special questionary sentence , first rising tones and then falling tones in the choosing questionary sentence .The students in the middle school are not often accustomed to and always confuse to them , however , with the help of body language ,students can solve the problem much more easily . For example , they use gestures by imitate teachers When they read the choosing questionary sentence ,they raise their hands in rising tones and lower in falling tones . After training for some times ,as soon as they read sentences, they will remind themselves of the gestures . As a result , there will be no problems and should not nervous in rightly reading the sentences at all .
  Chapter Two The Concrete Application of the Body Languge in Writing and Listening   Body language also helps to improving students’ writing , the effect of body language in writing will be discussed .Writing is one of the four basic skills of learing language ,and it is so important a skill that it can be even saying without writing , people can’t communicate with each other . Not only should the students get some English kownledge and vocabularies , but also the ability to communicate with spoken and written English as what is mentioned in the teaching promgrams . According to some experts , to some extents, writing is much more important than speaking , because it can spread without the limitation of space and time . Since the students learn English as a media for communication ,they should have the ability of writing .
  To get rid of the students’ feelings of being dull and tiring in the learning English process , an English teacher has to use every possible method ,using body language is a best way . This is the same to the writing . Teachers use different methods in order to improve the students’ability of writing ,among which , the application of body language can deepen the object impression , such is magnificent in developing the students’ writing abiity .
  The lingist Frankin ever said , “Tell me ,I’ll forget ; teach me ,I’ll remember ; involve me , and I’ll learn .” . If the students are asked to write an unfamiliar composition , they would probably be unable to and feel discouraged . However , the students can write excellent articles if they have experience . The students should be asked to participate some English-related activities, and then ask them to write it enjoyed themselves in the beautiful snowing and been given some hints , the students can write much better a composition . For contrast to their complete imagination , the studentsdeeply impressed by the body movement of the teachers and themselves , which surely leads to a better article .
  At last body language helps to improve listening . The Greek philosopher Epictetus ever wittily said : “”Nature has given man one tongue and two ears that he may hear twice as much as he speaks “ . From this it can be saying how important the listening in our daily life . To understand others is a basic purpose in English teaching ,and teachers ofter train the students’ listening accordingly . In this process , if the body language is used , the effect will be better . When beginning a new lesson, the theacher narrates the English story in order to roude students’ enthusiastic in class . The body language may help . For example , a teacher can stretch his arms slowly when he says “She is in a very big room ;” he or she csn open his or her eyes widely with mouth opened when he says “She is so beautiful a lady . “As a redo imitates the the crying or the movement of the animals under the premise of teaching order will surely achieve a better effect .
  Body language is an important method though which teachers and students communicate with each other . It just takes a little practice . For example : Your friend comes to you with a problem , and you say you’d like to hear about it . But while she’s talking ,you look at your watch and around the room . Your body movements tell her that you are bored , distracted ,in a hurry or all three .Your body language has given you away . From this example , people can communicate each other with body language and body language can express one’s inter-idea .
摘 要:本文探讨了小学阶段学生的特点,运用爱心去管理班级工作的必要性。文章经过探讨,提出了把爱心有效的融入小学班级管理工作中主要思路,包括:正确把握小学生的心理特点,了解中融入爱心;关注学习与生活中的细节,沟通中融入爱心;尊重学生个体之间的差异,管理中融入爱心;丰富班级文化活动,形式中融入爱心。  关键词:小学;班级管理;爱心;融入;思路  小学阶段是小学生长身体、长知识、长智慧的时期,也是其道德
摘 要:班级是学校教育的基本单位,也是教师和学生开展各项活动的最基本的组织形式。许多班主任在从事班级管理过程中有时过于墨守成规,方法不当,难以适应时代的发展。所以要及时的转变管理模式:积极引导,培养学生乐观的心态;开展活动,丰富学生课外的生活;定位角色,做学生的良师益友;树立榜样,促进学生爱好的培养。使自己的学生能够全面发展。  关键词:班级管理;管理模式;全面发展  班级是学校教育的基本单位,也
摘 要:清末王锡三墓志铭日前在清苑县被发现。墓志详述了清末地方名人王锡三的生平、德行、功业、家族直系四代,志文有简传性质,可与清苑地方县志、《畿辅通志》等相互参证,可补史志之阙;对墓志的研究对于研究清代地方士绅的社会价值和清政府以孝治国的政策具有一定的史料价值。  关键词:王锡三;墓志;人文价值  王锡三墓志铭日前在保定市清苑县东闾乡南王庄村被发现。《王锡三墓志铭》,全称特旨赏加五品衔大挑知县孝廉
摘 要:小说塑造人物形象的最主要手段就是人物个性化的语言。小说中人物语言的翻译切不可千篇一律,译者不把握人物个性化语言就容易导致译作在重现人物方面丧失了原文话语的许多功能。本文简要分析《西游记》两个英译本如何翻译个性化语言以再现人物形象和性格、体现原文对话情趣性。  关键词:个性化语言;人物形象再现;《西游记》  一、社会语言认为  “每一个社会成员都可以按照自己的民族、籍贯、性别、年龄、职业、政
摘 要:高校辅导员是高校教师队伍的重要组成部分,是开展大学生思想政治教育工作的中坚力量。中共中央国务院《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治工作教育的意见》及教育部《关于进一步加强高等学校思想政治辅导员班主任队伍建设的意见》等文件中,都把辅导员队伍建设作为一项长期性、基础性工作、加强和改进大学生思政教育的关键性措施来抓。对高校辅导员培训是为了提高大学生日常思想政治教育效果,由高校辅导员主管单位实施的
摘 要:随着国民素质教育的发展,小学生处于对社会好奇的阶段,我们老师要对他们进行积极的素质教育,发展小学生的德育教育尤为重要。小学生是八点钟的太阳,是祖国的花朵,是中国新一批青少年,我们的德育教育要从小抓起,老师们要言传身教,将德育教育渗透到课堂中,让学生潜移默化地接受着德育教育。本文就如何增强学生的德育教育进行了探索,从家庭和学校、校园文化建设、以课堂作为媒介、发挥教师的作用等方面对学生进行德育
摘 要:高中班主任在高中阶段的教育中是主力所在,负责着整个班级的日常运行和管理,对学生的学习成长会带来较大的影响,因此,提升其管理艺术水平具有非常重要的现实意义。本文结合笔者在班主任管理方面的实践经验,提出了如何提升班主任管理艺术水平的有效措施。  关键词:高中;班主任;管理艺术;实践;分析  一、前言  在我国,班级仍然是学校教育的最基层组成形式,而高中阶段又是学生塑造和培养各方面能力,健全良好
摘 要:西方现代艺术多种多样,文艺复兴那个时代中的艺术流派以及那些思潮,在当今已经不可能被超越、模仿以及颠覆。本文主要研究新罗曼蒂克主义”之亨利·马蒂斯的相关理论知识,并分析其艺术特色。  关键词:“新罗曼蒂克主义”;亨利·马蒂斯  我们在一条笔直的马路上无遮无掩的前行,马路两边都些稚嫩的小树苗。在清晨我们还能与小树苗争取获得更多的氧气,可是到了正午阳光刺眼的时刻,我们就被煎烤在火辣辣的地面上踮着
摘 要:随着教育改革的发展,小学教育受到了国家教育部和许多家长的重视,小学生每天在学校,班主任不仅是学生的教师,也担当起了学生的父母的职责,小学生是祖国的花朵,是国家以后的栋梁,教师爷就肩负着重要的责任,要想提高学生的学习成绩,培养学生的综合素质,就需要学校班主任良好的管理方式。本文就如何形成有效的班主任班级管理方式做了探究,针对学生提出了一些合理有效的创新方式,为学生的德智体美劳全面发展创造了条
摘 要:《麦田里的守望者》的最后是开放式结局,《狗》充满了象征意味,其极具宗教意义的结局可以为读者分析《麦田里的守望者》中的主人公的出路提供一定的启示作用。本文针对善恶并存的现状探讨这二者如何共存,首先通过分析作品认为此二者的矛盾并非不可调和,只有在善与恶、美与丑必须共存于社会之中,善才能为善,美才能为美,爱可以使看似对立的两个方面获得平衡。  关键词:爱;人格发展八阶段;色彩学  瑞士德语作家弗