厌食大王 24年前,龚睿那出生于湖南省安化县一个干部家庭。三代同堂的4口之家,只有龚睿那这么一个小天使,全家人自然围着她团团转。慈祥善良的老外婆,对外孙女更是抱在手上怕飞了,含在嘴里怕化了。可是,过于溺爱的结果,是使小公主养成了任性骄横的个性。特别是一上了饭桌,她往往是这个菜不爱吃,那种汤不愿尝。父母及外婆为了打开她“小猫儿一般的胃口”,不知想了多少办法,找过多少偏方。 湖南安化,人杰地灵。这个县业余体校羽毛球班的知名教练文巨刚,曾经先后发掘培养出唐辉、唐吉
Anorexia king 24 years ago, Gong Rui was born in Anhua County, Hunan Province, a cadre family. Three generations of three generations of family, only Gong Rui that such a little angel, the whole family surrounded her roundabout naturally. Kindly kind grandmother, the granddaughter is holding in the hands of fear of flying, afraid of the mouth included. However, the result of being too spoiled is that the young princess has developed into an arrogant and arrogant personality. Especially on the dinner table, she often does not like this dish, that soup do not want to taste. Parents and grandmother in order to open her “kitten children’s general appetite,” I do not know how many ways to find how many remedies. Hunan Anhua, outstanding people. The county amateur school badminton class coach Weng Geng Gang, has explored to cultivate Tang Hui, Tang Ji