Our hospital from 1986 to 1993 for 155 cases of traumatic cataract patients with stage I implantation. Indications are: ① age generally above 5 years old. ② trauma 2 to 3 months or more, the inflammatory response has been static. ③ B-ultrasound confirmed vitreous no obvious organic matter, no retinal detachment. ④ corneal wounds, anterior capsule rupture, cortical detachment of the anterior chamber, the expansion of the lens required cataract surgery immediately. If the posterior capsular intact or small hole, other conditions permit also consider Ⅰ intraocular lens. We have done 2 patients, including 1 case of right eye iron stab wounds 6 days, visual acuity before hand, the cornea has 4 ~ 5mm through the wound, the well together, the crystalline cortex into the anterior chamber, intraocular pressure close to 3.8kPa. After admission, emergency cataract extracapsular cataract surgery, see the posterior capsule complete, intraocular lens implantation, corneal wound has not leaks, did not do