中篇文明是有地域性的,疾病同样是有地域性的。当我们说“一方水土养一方人”的时候,也不应该忘记:一方文化养一方癌。烟文化,酒文化, 吃文化,性文化……文化,我们读懂了吗? 在日本,大肠癌的发病率近年突飞猛进。科学家认定:这不可能是由于日本人的基因突然改变而引起,也不是因为诊断技术的进步所致,而是由于日本崇尚西方“饮食文化”,一言以蔽之,这是由于日本人的饮食西方化造成的。不要说“全盘西化”了,只这吃的西方化,灾难已频频招手了。日本籍的世界卫生组织官员黑木登志夫在他的报告中说,日本的大肠癌患者多是西洋料理的爱好者,从世界各国牛肉的消耗量与大肠癌关系调查看,牛肉消耗多的国家大肠癌就多。对夏威夷日本侨民大肠癌患者的食物分析结果也同样表明,肉类特别是牛肉是大肠癌的高危险食物,高蛋白、高脂肪食品促进了胆汁的分泌,造成肠内细菌的变化,这些与
Volume of civilization is a regional, the disease is also a regional. When we say “water and soil on the one side,” we should not forget that one side has a culture of cancer. Cigarette culture, wine culture, eating culture, sexual culture ... Culture, we read it? In Japan, the incidence of colorectal cancer by leaps and bounds. Scientists conclude that this could not have been caused by a sudden change in Japanese genes, nor was it due to advances in diagnostic techniques, but because Japan respected Western “dietary culture” in a nutshell, as the Japanese Western diet caused. Do not say “Westernization”. Only the Westernization of this eclipse, the disasters have been waved. Japan’s WHO official Kurosten Shizuka said in his report that Japanese patients with colorectal cancer are mostly fans of Western cuisine. According to the survey on the relationship between the consumption of beef and colorectal cancer in various countries in the world, the consumption of beef in the large intestine More cancer. The results of food analysis of patients with colorectal cancer in Hawaii and Japanese overseas also show that meat, especially beef, is a high risk food for colorectal cancer. High protein and high fat foods promote bile secretion and cause changes in intestinal bacteria.