在河南省林州市,与“红旗渠”差不多一样知名的外出建筑业近年来获得长足发展,形成10万大军出太行的强大阵容。 但是,伴随着外出建筑业的蓬勃发展,也给林州市的党员教育带来了一系列新情况、新问题。中共林州市委从实际出发,因势利导、为外出党员的教育管理工作摸索出一些新经验。 坚强有力的组织保证 在全市13万外出大军中,有党员6000余名,他们散居在全国各地。曾经有过一个时期,原来的农村党支部想管管不着,施工队又无人管理,正常的组织生活难以为继,致使部分外出党员的组织观念有所淡薄,在思想上产生了不少的糊涂认识。更为严重的是,偷税漏税,不上交各级管理费,年底不给工人开工资等现象也在一些党员,尤其是党员工
In Linzhou City, Henan Province, the outbound construction industry, which is almost as famous as Hongqiqu, has made great strides in recent years and has formed a powerful lineup of 100,000 troops out of Taihang. However, with the vigorous development of going out of the construction industry, it also brought a series of new situations and new problems to Party members’ education in Linzhou City. Based on actual conditions, the CPC Central Committee Committee of Linzhou City has taken the best of its efforts to find some new experiences for the education and management of party members outside the country. Strong and powerful organizations to ensure that the city’s 130,000 out of the army, there are more than 6,000 members, who are scattered throughout the country. There was a period of time when the original rural party branch wanted to manage the construction team without any control and the normal organizational life was unsustainable. As a result, some of the out-going party members had a weak organizational concept and many ideas were produced Confused understanding. What is more serious is that tax evasion and tax evasion do not pay management fees at all levels and do not give wages to workers by the end of the year. Some members, especially party members, are also on the scene.