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宁波市地处东海之滨、长江三角洲的东南角、全国海岸线的中段、浙江省宁绍平原的东端,大陆海岸线总长788.3km,总土地面积9365km~2,全市总人口533万人,其中市区人口118万人,人口密度569人/km~2,1998年国内生产总值973.44亿元,其中农业产值35.15亿元,占总产值的3.61%,林业产值13.87亿元,占农业产值的39.46%.宁波市为“五山—水四分田”的综合农业自然经济区,全市林业用地面积43.91万hm~2,占总土地面积的48.0%,有林地面积39.90万hm~2,人均0.075hm~2;活立木总蓄积量864.71万m~3,人均1.62m~3,森林覆盖率48.9%。全市现有生态公益林7.70万hm~2,占全市林业用地面积的17.5%,其中防护林5.06万hm~2,特用林0.39万hm~2;灌木林2.25万hm~2。全市宜林荒山绿化率达94.7%,农田林网控制率79.4%,人均拥有公共绿地4.82m~2,1999年荣获“全国园林绿化先进城市”称号。该市沿海多为丘陵、平原,缺少天然屏障,易遭台风、暴雨等自然灾害的频繁侵袭,给工农业生产和人民生命财产造成较大损失。如冷空气带来的低温霜冻,常发生春季倒春寒,春季低温易造成早稻大面积烂秧、死苗和茶、果树受冻,秋季低温导致农作物严重冻害,影响晚稻齐穗、灌装及果实成熟, Ningbo City is located in the East China Sea coast, the southeast corner of the Yangtze River Delta, the middle of the national coastline, the eastern end of the Ningxia Plain in Zhejiang Province, the mainland coastline total length of 788.3km, the total land area of ​​9365km ~ 2, the city’s total population of 5330000 people, The population of the district is 1.18 million, with a population density of 569 persons / km ~ 2. In 1998, its GDP was 97.34 billion yuan, of which agricultural output was 3.515 billion yuan, accounting for 3.61% of the total output value. The output value of forestry was 1.387 billion yuan, accounting for 39.46 of the agricultural output value %. Ningbo is a comprehensive agro-natural economic zone of “Five Mountains - Four Waters of Water”. The total land area of ​​forestry in the city is 439,100 hm ~ 2, accounting for 48.0% of the total land area. There is an area of ​​399,000 hm ~ 2 of forest land and a per capita 0.075hm ~ 2; The total storage volume of live standing trees is 8,647,100 m 3, with a per capita population of 1.62 m 3 and a forest coverage rate of 48.9%. The city’s existing ecological public welfare forest 77,000 hm ~ 2, accounting for 17.5% of the city’s forestry land area, of which 50,600 hm 2 shelterbelts, special use forest 39,000 hm ~ 2; shrubs 22,500 hm ~ 2. Yulin Afforestation Afforestation rate of 94.7%, farmland forest net control rate of 79.4%, per capita public green 4.82m ~ 2, 1999 won the “National Landscaping Advanced City” title. The coastal areas are mostly hills and plains, lacking natural barriers and vulnerable to frequent natural disasters such as typhoons and torrential rains, causing heavy losses to industrial and agricultural production and people’s lives and property. Such as cold air brought low temperature frost, often occurs in spring, late spring, low temperatures in spring can easily lead to large areas of early rice rotten seedlings, dead seedlings and tea, fruit trees frost, low temperature in autumn led to severe crop damage, affecting late rice heading, filling and fruit ripening ,
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墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉大学的 3名大学生最近发明一种无线鼠标 ,可以使人远距离操作电脑 ,以便降低电脑显示屏辐射对人体造成的危害。这种无线鼠标利用数字、电子、程序语言等原理