After five years of financial crisis, the Eurozone is now in danger of being caught up in a Japanese-style depression. Five years ago, everything looked so good. In the first week of August 2007, both investors and major national central banks expected the economic growth in the United States and Europe to be between 2% and 3%. But by August 9, 2007, everything changed. BNP Paribas announces its huge loss in subprime mortgages. On the same day, the European Central Bank was forced to announce an emergency loan of 95 billion euros (then 130 billion U.S. dollars). The crisis came to an end. In the first year after the crisis broke out, policy makers saw Japan as a precursor, or rather a warning. From 1991 to 2001, Japan’s debt bubble led to the “Lost Ten Years.” Analysts summed up three lessons. To avoid Japanese-style depression, the first priority is to move quickly;