近亲结婚给人类带来的不幸是相当大的。它能提高人类各种遗传病、畸形儿和先天性愚型发生的频率,直接影响人类的身体健康和智力发展。 伟大的科学家达尔文与表姐结婚后,一共生了10个孩子,但没有一个能让达尔文夫妇抱上孙子或外孙,其中多数患了精神病。十八世纪欧州一些国家盛行一种血友病,病人一旦碰破皮肤就流血不止而死亡,因此病多发生于皇室人员,故又称皇室病,也是由于皇族之间长
The misfortune that human beings marriages with relatives is considerable. It can improve a variety of human genetic diseases, deformed children and congenital foolish occurrence frequency, a direct impact on human health and intellectual development. After the great scientist Darwin married her cousin, a total of 10 children were born, but none of them allowed Darwin’s grandson to grandson or grandson, most of whom were mentally ill. In the eighteenth century, some countries in Europe were prevalent in hemophilia. As soon as the patient touched the skin, bloodshed and died. As a result, the disease mostly occurred in the royal family, so it was also known as the royal family disease.