草不谢荣于春风,木不怨落于秋天。陈楚老前辈走得那么安详,那么不惊不扰,正如他所愿。但是他不知,他的离开竟像他不平凡的一生那样,产生了强烈而又庄严的震动,令人不能平静。他和《世界知识》结下不解之缘的,是他闪光的40年外交经历。他接受过我们对联合国问题的采访,他为讨论中日关系与我们促膝长谈,他在我们和中国国际战略研究基金会共办的“国际问题论坛”上谈笑风生……他的精辟见解,他的音容笑貌灌注《世界知识》。闻听战略基金会在清明时节为他供奉祭文,特捧来刊载,以志纪念。也许这样做有违他的遗嘱,但是我们看到的是,他的崇高境界远远超越他的遗嘱本身。姚东桥 记
Grass is not glorified in spring, wood does not complain in autumn. Chen Chu veteran go so calm, then not scary, as he wishes. But he did not know that his departure had, like his extraordinary life, produced a strong and solemn vibration that could not be calmed down. His indissoluble bond with “world knowledge” was his flash 40 years of diplomatic experience. He accepted our interview on the UN issue. He talked with us for discussing Sino-Japanese relations. He laughed at the “Forum on International Issues” jointly held with China International Strategic Studies Foundation The sound of music perfusion “world knowledge.” Hear about the strategic foundation for his offerings during the Ching Ming Festival, specially published to commemorate. It may be against his will, but what we see is that his exalted state goes far beyond his will. Yao Dongqiao mind