教书育人 乐此不疲——记昭通市民族中学教师文晓红

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文晓红是昭通市民族中学英语高级教师和骨干教师,是一名优秀的教育工作者。她1981年参加工作,已经在教育教学岗位上度过了20多个春秋,并长期担任班主任工作,是教育战线上的一名“老兵”。她20余年如一日,忠诚党的教育事业,教书育人,爱岗敬业,严于律己,为人师表。她以党的教育方 Wen Xiaohong is a Zhaotong City High School English teacher and backbone teacher, is an outstanding educator. She took part in the work in 1981 and has spent more than 20 years in education and teaching positions. She has also been working as a class teacher for a long time and is an “old soldier” on the education front. Her 20 years as a day, loyal to the party’s education, teaching and educating people, dedication, strict self-discipline, as a teacher. She is a party educator
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