《山西农业》1995年第7期刊登了张金坡《种植甜高粱当年能致富》的文章,读后,勾起了我对几年前种植甜高粱获得高效益的回忆。 1985年,我获悉中国农科院从美国引进几个甜高粱新品种的信息,于是在1986年春引进凯勒、雷伊、M—81E三个品种。经实地种植认为M—81E表现较好,该品种具备了植株高大粗壮、高抗倒伏、粮糖双收的几大优点,因此连续种植了
In Shanxi Agriculture Issue 7, 1995, Zhang Jinpo published an article titled “Planting Sweet Sorghum to Make It Rich then,” which brought me back memories of the sweet benefits of planting sweet sorghum some years ago. In 1985, I learned that the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences introduced several new sweet sorghum varieties from the United States. In the spring of 1986, I introduced the three varieties of Keller, Rieys and M-81E. The field planting M-81E better performance, the variety of plants with tall, sturdy, high lodging, grain sugar double income several major advantages, so continuous planting