经过十余年混合动力技术研发,英菲尼迪成功造就拥有高效输出、快速响应和低燃油消耗三大优势的高性能混和动力系统,英菲尼迪QX60 2.5Hybrid此次带着性能与燃油经济性完美的结合体来到了口岸城市满洲里。众所周知此次记者体验的英菲尼迪QX60 2.5Hybrid是在《爸爸去哪儿》第二季里面担任“明星家庭座驾”的,大号七座SUV,也是这次英菲尼迪QX60 2.5hybrid在节目中明星爸爸们安心让孩子乘坐的大玩具,让英菲尼迪在每一个拥有它的家庭中,让每一个驾驶者可以为家庭充分施展其爱的光芒。
After more than ten years of hybrid technology research and development, Infiniti has successfully created a high-performance hybrid powertrain with three advantages of high efficiency output, quick response and low fuel consumption. The Infiniti QX60 2.5Hybrid is the perfect combination of performance and fuel economy To the port city Manzhouli. As we all know, this reporter’s experience of the Infiniti QX60 2.5Hybrid in the second quarter of “Where’s the Dad” which served as “Star Family Car,” the Queen SUV, is also the Infiniti QX60 2.5hybrid star dads in the show Make peace with the big toys your kids are riding in, allowing Infiniti in every home that owns it so that every driver can fully show their love for the family.