Puritan Credos’ Influence upon the New England Colonies in the Middle 17th Century

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  During the time from 1630s through 1660s, puritan tenets of divine authority、covenants with God to practise his wills、social order and hard work had influenced the development of the New England colonies in a way that was radical or adaptive to the capitalist trend rising from the 14th century.
  With respect to the political development, the “Principle of Divine Authority” nurtured theocracy.
  Puritans adopt the Congregational modes to organize their own churches. According to the modes, ministers are elected representatives, who serve others rather than dominate them. Under no circumstances could a single minister resolve to receive or excommunicate a brethren and rebuke or excuse anyone else, which must be arbitrated by all church members. Divine authority means God is all-powerful and all-knowing so every church member see to it that they conduct the social management proceeding from God’s wills but not any individual. John Cotton, a clergyman with high reputation in Massachusetts also conveyed his idea that God had endued power to the Government as well as defined the boundaries at the same time. Apparently decentralization had realized at political institutions under the principle.
  For applying God’s wills, some puritans argue the separation of church and state. Roger Williams who set up the Rhode Island were the early proponent of the value and that’s the reason why he was banished from Massachusetts. Compared with contemporary Europe, it’s big progress of religious development, for the church have more freedom and flexibility to permeate over all levels of society and make a big difference. To a large extent, it guarantee democratic politics move forwards.But just as the puritans in Massachusetts supported the close combination of church and state, the theocracy still hung over the New England most colonies.
  Despite stating above, it’s accepted that ministers take charge of civil rights among new immigrants. In New England , the adults aged over 17, if not registered member at church, have no protection by laws and no rights to undertake privileged occupations. Let me put it in another way, people who are eligible for church membership are freemen, and only freemen could annually elect the governor and his assistants as well as a representative assembly called “ the General Court”.
  Theocracy brought certain democratic improvements on politics in the New England colonies but limitations were obvious too.   As for economic development, the “Principle of Hard Work” promoted profitability.
  The Enlarged Salem Covenant said “We resolve to approve approve ourselves to the Lord in our particular callings; shunning idleness as the bane of any state; nor will we deal hardly with any, wherein we are the Lord’s stewards.” The common meaning of “callings” is “jobs”. Puritans strongly believe Predestination, the theory of which asserts God distributes different tasks towards different people so as to amass great fortunes. For that reason, they encourage hard work following the wills of God. Only in this way could they have a chance to succeed. Another example is a testament written by Robert K in 1653, he stated he hadn’t lived an idle、lazy life and owed his success to hard work. The trade in the New England colonies had been booming under this principle.
  In addition to occupational issues, Puritans have some other understandings: The purpose of labor division by God should be recognized via the fruits of labor division. An individual opts a career not only to follow the God but to control his desire making contributions for the collective.
  Thus, religion acts as a tool to associate the individual with the collective. John Winthrop, the man who set up the Massachusetts Bay Colony advocated “We must be willing to abridge ourselves of our super fruits for the supply of others’ necessities.” Social reproduction therefore continues to create more profitability.
  Besides, Puritans make free competition sanctified. Calvinists regard people succeeding at business as “the visible saints” and material success as evidence of God’s favor. People unveiled their hypocritical masks and feel free to perform their abilities to the best just in order to become rich.
  Generally speaking, under the domination of puritan commercial values, the New England colonies obtained early accumulation of wealth and laid great foundations for capitalist development in the future. However, sanctified free competition also led to huge gap between the wealthy and the poor as well as disasters of black people.
  On the part of social development, the “Principle of Practising God’s Wills” nurtured a model society.
  Owing to the fact that Puritans hew out a land unsettled, everything seems to be alive with uncertainty. Lake of uniformity and cohesive force impel Puritans to establish a model society. In every Puritan town, everything is close-knit together which enables Puritans to look after one another easily. The model society of course has its social hierarchy apart from an united community. Puritans think since the first moment of creation, some souls—the elect—have been destined for eternal bliss while others for eternal torment. They live in a patriarchal society: The poor subject to the wealthy while the women subject to the men. Maybe at the previous period, the value helped to ensure the social order and security. Still, it could easily bring about class contradiction.   Similarly,to build unified ideological standard based on the wills of God, many of Puritans are opposed to religious liberty insanely and feel obliged to expand advanced learning. Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts for he was the proponent of religious liberty but Puritans couldn’t tolerate dissenters. Public Education emerges from the New England colonies. Puritans always remind themselves of practising God’s wills, so they put forward the importance of reading and interpreting the Bible. It’s known to all that Education is the best way to succeed and renew the current dominated ideology at any time.
  On the one hand, practising Puritanism strengthened the social order in some areas of the New England colonies and drove the development of education, On the other hand, it retained negative、stubborn and rotten doctrines which pushed the internal immigration like the settlement of Roger from Massachusetts to the Rhode Island. The latter contributed to new exploration in the New England and enriched the credos of puritans.
  In a word, From the historic perspective, Puritans elaborate their own theological credos to initiate a distinctive system in the New England colonies.
【摘要】近年来,大学英语四六级考试进行了多次改革,提高了对学生听说能力的要求。三本院校艺术专业的学生大多英语语音基础薄弱,听说能力较低。运用自然拼读法可以夯实语音基础,带动听说能力的提高。应用在艺术专业大学英语的课堂中,可以促进学生英语综合水平的提高。  【关键词】自然拼读法;艺术专业;大学英语  【作者简介】孙艺青,西安思源学院。  一、现状  近年来,笔者一直从事三本院校艺术专业大学英语教学工
【摘要】“学习中心课堂”是指以学生能动、有效的学习活动作为整个课堂教学过程的中心或本体的课堂。将可视化技术融入高中英语教学中,可鼓励学生积极思维、主动参与课堂活动,并培养学生学习能力,构建以学生为主体的高中英语“学习中心课堂”。  【关键词】可视化;高中英语;学习中心;思维品质  【作者简介】郑慧,福建省柘荣一中。  【基金项目】本文系福建省教育科学“十三五”规划2018年度立项课题《高中英语可视
【摘要】初中阶段英语知识的学习关系到学生能否窥见英语知识的正确学习路径。基于使学生英语核心素养全面提高的考虑,初中英语教师应当在听说教学中采用英文歌曲和英文电影作为教学资源,以此来吸引学生的听讲注意力,让学生在英语知识的学习过程中得到更好的提高。  【关键词】初中英语;听说教学;英文歌曲  【作者简介】赵夏,安徽省阜阳市颍上县六十铺镇马桥中学。  对于英语知识的学习而言,并非单纯是为了使学生的英语
【摘要】旬阳县属于山区偏远县,目前,学前教育整体发展水平滞后,本文在分析旬阳县幼儿园在教育改革发展中普遍存在问题的基础上提出了:加强理论学习,端正办园指导思想;加强园本研修,促进教师专业化发展;利用本地资源,开发园本课程;探索科学的教学模式,提高保教质量;运用现代化教学手段,提高信息技术与学科整合的能力;加强园文化建设,提高办园品味,逐步规范办园行为,提高保教质量。  【关键词】幼儿园;教育改革与
【摘要】做好幼儿英语教学对于提高幼儿的语言能力,促进幼儿的全面发展起着重要的作用,但是在英语口语教学中也存在着较多问题影响英语教学质量。因此本文就如何在幼儿英语教育中开展生活化教学,提高幼儿的英语口语能力进行了研究。  【关键词】幼儿英语;意义;问题;生活化教学;口语  【作者简介】刘舜娟,广东省佛山市南海区桂城保利花园幼儿园。  在幼儿教育中明确指出要锻炼幼儿的表达能力,保证幼儿能够清楚地说出自
【摘要】自习主席提倡共建人类命运共同体以来,国家之间各层面的交流变得日益密切。作为口译学习者,势必应更好地扮演文化沟通桥梁的角色。在口译学习过程中,不可避免地遇到较多的长难句,而口译的时效性决定了快速准确地翻译出这种句子对口译员来讲无疑是一个巨大的挑战。如何更有效地攻克长难句的翻译难点,提高口譯质量,是摆在口译学习者面前的一大难题。  【关键词】长难句;口译对策  【作者简介】周娟(1987.10
【摘要】在核心素养理念引领下,以初中学生英语学科能力发展为目标,以英语学科能力表现指标体系的多维模型为观测点,通过依托特定的话题领域和问题情境,将语言知识学习、文化内涵理解、语言技能发展等渗透到学习理解、应用实践和迁移创新的英语学科能力活动中。教师通过理论学习、实践、反思、改进、再实践等使得学生的学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新能力得到提升,同时,教师的教学素养也有所提高。  【关键词】核心素养;初中
【摘要】文化意识作为英语核心素养之一,在初中英语教学中日益受到重视。本文分析了在初中英语教学中培养学生文化意识的必要性及现状,并从日常教学的角度,提出了优化初中英语教学中学生文化意识培养的途径。  【关键词】初中英语教学;文化意识;培养途径  【作者简介】王凡(1989.09-),女,汉族,江苏淮安人,南京市第一中学初中部,中学二级,硕士研究生,研究方向:英语翻译,中学英语教育。  一、引言  在
【摘要】摘要写作是让学生在阅读英语文章后,对文章中心思想和主要内容进行总结概括,这对英语阅读能力、写作能力、理解能力都具有一定的帮助。本文首先探究了英语课外阅读教学的背景;其次,分析了英语课外阅读教学策略研究现状;最后,论述了摘要写作对促进初中英语课外阅读的作用。以期为初中英语教学提供一定的帮助。  【关键词】摘要写作;初中英语;课外阅读  【作者简介】杨华,江苏省淮安市洪泽区洪泽外国语中学。