十五世纪末至十六世纪中期,“航海大发现”曾给葡萄牙带来短暂的“黄金时代”,使其一度成为世界强国。然而好景不长,后来很快便一蹶不振,每况愈下,饱尝了屈辱与贫困的滋味。 进入二十世纪之后,1910年建立的共和国政权结束了七百余年的封建君主体制,但不久便落入独裁者萨拉查手中。在长达近半个世纪的独裁统治期间,萨拉查闭关锁国,对内实行法西斯专政,对外发动旨在镇压民族独立运动的殖民战争,给葡萄牙人民带来了深重的灾难。 正是在这种背景下,新现实主义文学运动破土而生,涌现出一批名垂文学史册的优秀作家。他们揭露黑暗,指陈时弊,关心底层社会人民的疾苦,首次把工人、农民的悲惨生活写进文学作品,旨在以文学的形式鞭策社会,改造社会。因此,贫穷、落后、社会的种种不公正现象便成为他们主要的创作题材,其中不乏富有哲理色彩的思考与探索。时至今日,新现实主义仍然是葡萄牙小说创作的主流。 我们这里选译了风格题材各异的四个短篇小说,其作者多为已载入葡萄矛文学史册的著名作家,也有正活跃于文坛的新秀。
From the late 15th century to the mid-16th century, the “Great Discovery of Navigation” brought a short “golden age” to Portugal, making it once a world power. However, it did not last long, and then quickly fell ill, deteriorating and feeling the taste of humiliation and poverty. After entering the twentieth century, the Republican regime established in 1910 ended more than 700 years of feudal monarchy, but soon fell into the hands of the dictator Saracha. During the dictatorship that lasted for nearly half a century, Sarajeul has closed the door of the country, implemented the fascist dictatorship in the country, and externally launched a colonial war aimed at suppressing the national independence movement, which brought great suffering to the Portuguese people. It is against this background that the neorealist literary movement broke ground and emerged as a group of excellent writers who dwell on the history of literature. They expose the darkness, censor the current situation and care for the sufferings of the people in the underlying society. For the first time, they write the tragic life of workers and peasants into literary works, aiming to promote society and transform society in the form of literature. Therefore, the various injustices of poverty, backwardness and society have become their main themes of creation. Many of them are full of philosophical thinking and exploration. Today, neo-realism is still the mainstream of Portuguese novel creation. Here we have selected four short stories with different genres and themes. Most of the authors are well-known writers who have written the history of Grape Spear, as well as rookies who are active in the literary arena.