对检察机关按再审程序提出抗诉的案件,接受抗诉的法院能否指令下级法院再审,刑事诉讼法等有关法律均未予以明确。法学界和司法实践中普遍就此持肯定意见。对此,笔者不敢苟同,仅就其弊端及其成因谈以下拙见。 一、指令再审刑事抗诉案件的弊端 首先,对抗诉案件指令再审有悖法律的规定。其一,按照刑事诉讼法第149条第2款和人民法院组织法关于各级法院职权的规定,只有当下级法院生效裁判的错误是由最高法院或上级法院发现的时候,才发生指令下级法院再审的问题,而对上级检察机关因发现下级法院生效
If the procuratorial organ files a protest according to the retrial procedure, whether the court accepting the protest can order the lower court to retrial or not, the relevant laws such as the Criminal Procedure Law are not clear. Law and judicial practice generally hold the affirmative opinion. In this regard, I do not agree, only on its shortcomings and the causes of the following humble opinion. First, the retrial of criminal malpractice cases litigation First of all, the protest case retrial is contrary to the law. First, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149, paragraph 2, of the Criminal Procedure Law and the Organic Law of the People’s Court on the powers and responsibilities of courts at all levels, the lower court will be ordered only when the error of the lower court in coming into force is found by the Supreme Court or higher court Retrial, but the higher procuratorial organs for the lower court because of the entry into force