今年我省防汛工作总的要求是认真执行中华人民共和国《水法》、《防汛条例》,把防汛纳入法制轨道。继续贯彻“安全第一、常备不懈、以防为主、全力抢险”的防汛方针。总的任务是:在现状防洪标准内,做到水库不倒坝,河堤不决口,内涝少成灾,城市保安全。对超标准洪水,要落实应急措施预案,力争把灾害减少到最低限度。沿海市地要做好防御风暴潮灾害工作。 各级政府和防汛指挥机构必须负起责任,落实安全度汛措施,科学调度,严明纪律,服从大局,确保工程的防洪安全。
The general requirement for flood control work in our province this year is to earnestly implement the “Water Law” and “Flood Control Regulations” of the People’s Republic of China, and put flood control into the track of law. We will continue to implement the flood control policy of “safety first, standing by, prevention first and rescue by all means”. The overall task is: within the current flood control standards, do the reservoir does not fall into the dam, the embankment does not break the mouth, less waterlogging disaster, urban security. To exceed the standard flood, we must implement the emergency plan and strive to reduce the disaster to a minimum. Coastal cities to do defensive storm surge disaster work. All levels of government and flood control command agencies must take responsibility for the implementation of flood safety measures, scientific scheduling, strict discipline, obey the overall situation to ensure flood control safety.