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目的调查及比较北京市和宁城县人群中的青光眼和白内障的意识水平,以探索有效的眼病宣教方式。设计横断面调查。研究对象北京同仁医院和内蒙古宁城县医院的206名非眼科住院患者及家属。方法问卷调查听说过青光眼或白内障病名者定义为有青光眼或白内障意识,至少能说出一个青光眼或白内障症状者定义为有青光眼或白内障知识。分析比较两种疾病间、城乡间眼病意识的差异,Logistic回归分析相关因素。主要指标有青光眼或白内障意识、知识的率。结果有青光眼意识者占全部的74.76%,在北京及宁城分别占90.38%、58.82%(P=0.000)。有白内障意识者占全部的92.94%,在北京及宁城分别占97.12%、86.36%(P=0.008)。有青光眼知识者占有青光眼意识者的48.7%,占全部的36.41%有白内障知识者占有白内障意识者的59.50%,占全部的55.29%。青光眼、白内障之间及城乡之间均有显著性差异。Logistic回归分析显示,文化程度与青光眼或白内障的意识程度有关。最主要信息来源是听周围人谈论及通过电视节目。50.97%的人会主动学习青光眼或白内障相关知识,主要通过书籍(66%)及与医护人员交流(43%)。仅15.53%的人表示将参加医院举办的知识讲座。结论我国人群中青光眼意识和知识水平还比较低,对白内障的意识和知识水平好于青光眼;且城乡之间存作差别,这与文化程度差异有关需要更有效的健康教育方式来提高青光眼或白内障的意识和知识水平 Objective To investigate and compare the level of awareness of glaucoma and cataracts in Beijing and Ningcheng County in order to explore effective methods of eye disease education. Design cross-sectional survey. The study included 206 non-ophthalmological inpatients and their relatives in Beijing Tongren Hospital and Ningcheng County Hospital in Inner Mongolia. Methods Questionnaire I heard of glaucoma or cataract who was defined as having glaucoma or cataracts, at least one person who could tell a glaucoma or cataract was defined as having glaucoma or cataract. Analysis and comparison of the two diseases, between urban and rural eye awareness differences, Logistic regression analysis of related factors. The main indicators of glaucoma or cataract awareness, the rate of knowledge. Results of those who have glaucoma awareness accounted for 74.76% of all, in Beijing and Ningcheng accounted for 90.38%, 58.82% (P = 0.000). Cataract awareness accounted for 92.94% of all, accounting for 97.12% and 86.36% respectively in Beijing and Ningcheng (P = 0.008). 48.7% of those with glaucoma who have glaucoma awareness, 36.41% who have cataract knowledge, 59.50% who have cataract awareness, accounting for 55.29% of all. Glaucoma, cataracts and between urban and rural areas have significant differences. Logistic regression analysis showed that the level of education was related to the level of awareness of glaucoma or cataracts. The most important source of information is to listen to the people around and through television programs. 50.97% of them volunteered to learn about glaucoma or cataract, mainly through books (66%) and medical staff (43%). Only 15.53% said they would attend the hospital held knowledge lectures. Conclusions The level of awareness and knowledge of glaucoma in Chinese population is still relatively low, the awareness and knowledge level of cataract is better than that of glaucoma, and there is a difference between urban and rural areas, which is related to the difference in educational level. More effective health education is needed to improve glaucoma or cataract The level of awareness and knowledge
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摘 要  列宁说:“缺乏情感的认识,便失去了认识的深入。”情感是古诗教学的纽带,更是一种活力。学生通过情感性体验,以自己就是诗人,参与情感的交流,把客观对象主观化。指导学生以喜悦的心情,跳跃的节奏,赞美的语调反复吟诵,审美情趣油然而生,给学生美的享受、美的陶冶,从而显示小学古诗教学以情感为纽带的魅力。  【关键词】古诗教学;情感体验;直观化  随着小学语文教学实践的丰富和语文教学理论研究的发展,教