1996年3月,首都师范大学出版社出版了《苏联史研究》一书,计21余万字,是由广州师范学院历史系李冠乾先生著述的。该书内容丰富,史料翔实,论史结合紧密,有许多独辟的见解和创新。该书的出版,是对前苏联史研究的重要贡献。 《苏联史研究》的第一个特点是体现作者勇于探索的精神。长期以来,在我国由于“左”的思想的影响,出版苏联史专著十分困难,加上资料缺乏,对这个领域的研究相当薄弱,出版的专著更是寥若晨星,而且一些观点也有失偏颇。李先生多年从事世界现代史和苏联史的教学和研究工作,积十余年的辛勤笔耕心得,合十九篇专题研究论文,辑成苏联史研究专集。
In March 1996, Capital Normal University Publishing House published a book entitled “Studies in the History of the Soviet Union,” with more than 21 million words, written by Mr. Li Guangan, Department of History, Guangzhou Teachers College. The book is rich in content, informative historical facts, on the history of close, there are many unique insights and innovation. The publication of the book is an important contribution to the study of the history of the former Soviet Union. The first characteristic of the study of the history of the Soviet Union is the embodiment of the author’s courage to explore. For a long time, because of the influence of the “leftist” ideology in our country, it is very difficult to publish the monographs of the Soviet history. With the lack of information, the research on this field is quite weak. The published monographs are even rare, and some opinions are also biased. For many years, Mr. Li has been teaching and researching on the history of the world and the history of the Soviet Union for many years. He has accumulated over ten years’ hard working experience and has collected nineteen special research papers and edited it into a series of books on history of the Soviet Union.