1998年的夏天,是一个沉重的季节,不仅是因为中国大陆从南到北全民族参与的抗洪赈灾热潮,就是在一向标榜自由独立的网络空间也失去了往日的平静——为抗议印尼政府对华裔的残酷迫害,中国黑客秘密大行动,为人类应有的尊严、正义,为宏扬互联网络扶危济困、勇于助人的崇高精神,英勇地战斗着。 互联网上的“黄丝带” 当印尼华人在5月暴乱中饱受摧残、家毁人亡,横遭奸掠烧杀的惨案在新闻媒体和国际互联网披露之后,引起全球华人的愤怒,国际互联网已经成为许多人联络沟通、表达愤怒、寄托哀思的基本手段。
The summer of 1998 was a heavy season not only because of the wave of flood-relief efforts that mainland China has been involved in from south to north, but also of its past, which has always been a vanguard of free and independent cyber-space. In protest of the Indonesian government’s opposition The brutal persecution of ethnic Chinese and the covert operations of Chinese hackers have fought bravely for the dignity and justice that mankind has and for promoting the lofty spirit of helping the poor and helping the Internet in the Internet. “Yellow Ribbon” on the Internet When the Indonesian Chinese were devastated by the riots in May and their families were killed and their tragedies were culprits, the massacre of the Chinese journalists and the Internet has aroused the wrath of the Chinese all over the world. The Internet has become Become the basic means by which many people communicate and express anger and molest their grief.