巴西足球体能专家们预测,21世纪的绿茵场上应出现速度更快、身体更强健、体能素质更好的新一代球星。 大脑功能:大脑应具备在更短的时间内作出正确判断推理的能力。只有这样,才有可能在没有空间、拼抢更加激烈的足球比赛中求得生存。 肺功能:要具有更大的肺活量,以利摆脱对手的紧盯。当今足球运动员每秒供氧约为5500毫升。在今后的30至40年中,供氧将增大40%。 心脏功能:心脏容量要增大,因为新一代的球星肌肉组织比现在的球员发达得多,供血量要增大。
Brazilian football physicists predict that in the 21st century, a new generation of players should emerge faster, better health and better physical fitness. Brain function: The brain should have the ability to make the right judgments in a shorter period of time. Only in this way, it is possible to survive in the absence of space, scrambling for more intense football match. Pulmonary function: to have greater lung capacity, in order to benefit from the opponent’s gaze. Today’s football players supply about 5500 ml of oxygen per second. In the next 30 to 40 years, oxygen supply will increase by 40%. Cardiac function: Cardiac capacity should be increased, because a new generation of star muscle developed much more muscle than the current players, to increase blood supply.