故事与手法人生的意义本来不在它的故事 ,在于渲染这故事的手法。———废名《桥·故事》对于人生我动心的不过是它的表现。———何其芳 “故事”在中国始终没有间断的叙事历史中有着举足轻重的地位 ,中国的传统小说更准确的定义可能正是“故事”。“故事”的本体性也因此
The story of life and meaning of life is not in the story, lies in the way of rendering the story. --- Fei Fei “Bridge Story” I am tempted to life but its performance. --- He Qifang’s “story” plays a decisive role in the history of China’s unbroken narrative. A more accurate definition of China’s traditional novels may well be the “story.” The “story” of the noumenon is therefore