犀角犀角为犀牛科动物印度犀Rhinoceros unicornis L. 爪哇犀 Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest苏门犀 Rhinoceros su matrensis(Fischer)等的角,又称乌犀角、香犀角,是稀有动物药材。商品分为暹罗角和广角,以暹罗角质量最好。主要成分是角蛋白,还含有其他蛋白质、肽类及游离氨基酸、胍衍生物、甾醇类等。犀角角蛋白的组成氨基酸中,胱氨酸占8.7%。犀角有清热、凉血、定惊、解毒作用,可
Rhinoceros horn Rhinoceros unicornis Rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis L. Rhinoceros rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest Rhinoceros su matrensis (Fischer) horns, also known as the horn of the rhinoceros, Horny Horn, is a rare animal medicine. The goods are divided into Siam Angle and Wide Angle, and Siam Angle is the best quality. The main component is keratin. It also contains other proteins, peptides and free amino acids, hydrazine derivatives, and sterols. Among the constituent amino acids of keratin, cystine accounts for 8.7%. Rhinoceros has heat, cooling, shock, detoxification, can be