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一、国会职责观的变化美国国会的经济立法活动经历过重大变化,导致这种变化的基本原因是市场经济的风云变幻。从建国初到本世纪中叶,国会也曾从事过促进经济发展的立法活动;然而,此时国会奉行自由放任哲学,经济立法委实不多。国会视自己为社会的守夜人,致力于维持政府机器,维护社会稳定。1929年经济大危机打碎了市场万能的神话,普遍认为,市场必须借助于政府的强有力调节才能扩大有效需求,避免危机。顺应这种形势,国会修正了它的守夜人式的职责观,承担起积极调节市场经济的新型职责。国会通过的《1946年就业法》集中表述为:国会有责任调动联邦的一切资源与手段,促进就业和繁荣。二、市场经济立法的门类现在,国会经济立法的覆盖面已经十分宽广。从地面到地下,从海洋到太空,从人到动物,农村到城市,生产到消费,州际到国际,等 First, changes in the concept of parliamentary duty The legislative activities of the United States Congress have undergone major changes, resulting in the basic reason for this change is the changing market economy. From the early days of the founding of New China until the middle of this century, the National Assembly has also been engaged in legislative activities that promote economic development. However, at this time, the parliament pursues the philosophy of laissez faire, and there are not many economic legislation. The Congress regarded itself as a watchman in the community committed to maintaining government machinery and safeguarding social stability. The great economic crisis in 1929 smashed the myth of universal market. It was generally agreed that the market must rely on the government’s vigorous adjustment to expand effective demand and avoid crises. Conforming to this situation, Congress revised its vigilance duty outlook and assumed the new responsibility of actively regulating the market economy. The 1946 Employment Act passed by Congress focused on the following: Congress has the responsibility to mobilize all the resources and means of the Federation to promote employment and prosperity. Second, the categories of market economy legislation Now, the coverage of the economic legislation of the Congress has been very broad. From the ground to the ground, from the sea to the space, from people to animals, rural areas to cities, production to consumption, interstate to international, etc.
编辑同志: 今年3月份,我商场作为发起人之一,与其他四家股东共同商定出资设立一丝织品有限责任公司。公司章程制定后,我商场及另三家股东按期如数缴纳在公司章程中各自所认
为配合第7届全国肿瘤防治宣传周活动的开展 ,由中国抗癌协会、湖北省抗癌协会、湖北省肿瘤学会、湖北省肿瘤医院、湖北省红十字会、湖北省健康教育所、武汉晚报、楚天广播电台
一、创设数学生活情境古人云:“问渠哪得清如水,为有源头活水来”。数学是人们生活、劳动和学习的必不可少的工具,生活是数学赖以生存和发展的源泉,数学教学也 First, the